Senator Webb & Senate Majority Pass Legislation Protecting Ithaca Carshare

Senator Webb & Senate Majority Pass Legislation Protecting Ithaca Carshare

(ITHACA, NY) On Monday afternoon, Senator Lea Webb passed legislation (S5959B) to protect the Ithaca Carshare and other non-profit carshares in New York. The bill must now pass through the Assembly (Kelles A5718B) before the end of the Legislative Session on Thursday.  

“I have heard from many constituents about the importance of Ithaca Carshare to their mobility,” said Senator Webb. “Nonprofits like Ithaca Carshare make transportation accessible and environmentally friendly for folks who either can’t afford a car or choose not to own one for environmental reasons. In my district, Ithaca Carshare has served the City of Ithaca and its surrounding communities for over 15 years, providing an equitable and sustainable means of transportation to over 1500 Ithacans who utilize the service. I am proud that we were able to take this first step toward protecting this critical local resource today by passing my bill through the Senate. I urge Assembly leadership to bring this bill to the floor for a vote so that we can protect the long-term viability of carsharing in New York State.” 

“Nonprofit carshares are innovative, community-focused, membership-based operations with missions that align with the state’s Climate Act, as well as with Gov. Kathy Hochul’s priorities to reduce emissions and promote equity in transportation,” said Liz Field, Director of Ithaca Carshare. “They offer numerous social and environmental benefits, providing independent vehicle access to members for things like medical appointments and grocery trips, and they reduce traffic and lower carbon emissions. I am grateful to Senator Webb for passing this legislation through the Senate and look forward to its expedient passage through the Assembly.” 

Nonprofits including Ithaca Carshare have been facing an impossible situation when securing car insurance as the two major remaining private insurers of carsharing, Zurich Insurance Group and Philadelphia Insurance, are leaving the NYS market this year. This situation is unique to New York as all other states allow Risk Retention Groups (RRGs), not domiciled in the state, to provide the DMV-required auto-liability insurance, whereas NYS requires RRGs to be domiciled in New York to offer insurance as allowed by Federal Law. This situation has left carshares without a viable insurance provider, preventing operation entirely despite the millions of dollars invested to electrify the carshare fleets by the New York State Energy and Research Development Agency (NYSERDA). 


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