Free Operation Safe Child ID Program

Senator Elaine Phillips will be hosting a FREE Operation Safe Child ID Program at the Jackson Avenue School on Aug. 21. Families who participate will receive a free, wallet-sized ID card containing a child’s name, biographical information (date of birth, age, gender, height, weight, hair and eye color) and a fingerprint image of both index fingers.

The card is created in under two minutes.  It can be carried in a wallet or purse.

Interested parents can also choose to store the fingerprints, basic biographical information and photos of children – this information may be critical in the event of a lost or missing child.  The storage of the information is entirely voluntary and requires the express written consent of a parent or legal guardian.

Should the parent wish to share the information, it would be digitally recorded and stored in a state database; in the event the NYS DCJS (the agency that stores the information) receives a missing child report, the fingerprints of that child could then be used to help in the return of the missing child.

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