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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Legislative finding and declaration of policy
Agriculture & Markets (AGM) CHAPTER 69, ARTICLE 4
§ 50-e. Legislative finding and declaration of policy. It is hereby
declared that cream, half and half, milk and mixtures of milk and cream
have long been accepted by the consuming public; recognized as wholesome
and nutritious articles of food, and their composition generally
understood by consumers.

Advances in food technology have resulted in the development of a
variety of products for similar usage including dairy foods of lower
butterfat and blends made with vegetable oils and with proteins from
sources other than dairy products; products which are so similar in
appearance, odor and taste that they are difficult to differentiate from
dairy products. It is further declared to be the purpose of this article
to promote honesty and fair dealing in the interest of consumers, to
insure fair competition with a highly regulated dairy industry which is
of considerable economic importance to the economy of the state and to
prevent confusion and deception in the sale of such foods by
establishing definitions and standards of identity for such foods, and
by providing for rules and regulations which will effect their orderly
marketing and insure similar sanitary standards.

It is the further intent of the legislature, in view of the well known
nutritional qualities of whole milk (including standardized milk) and
other dairy products that the burden of proof of nutritional claims of
products offered for sale to consumers which have the appearance, odor
and taste of whole milk (including standardized milk) or other dairy
products is placed on the persons or corporations offering the product
or products for sale to consumers.