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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 220.51
Notice before entry of plea or trial involving a public official
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE J, ARTICLE 220
§ 220.51 Notice before entry of plea or trial involving a public


Prior to trial, and before accepting a defendant's plea to a count or
counts of an indictment or a superior court information charging a
felony offense, the court must individually advise the defendant, on the
record, that if at the time of the alleged felony crime the defendant
was a public official, as defined in subdivision six of section one
hundred fifty-six of the retirement and social security law, the
defendant's plea of guilty and the court's acceptance thereof or
conviction after trial may result in proceedings for the reduction or
revocation of such defendant's pension pursuant to article three-B of
the retirement and social security law.