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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 7-1.10
Provision by non-domiciliary creator as to law to govern trust
Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) CHAPTER 17-B, ARTICLE 7, PART 1
§ 7-1.10 Provision by non-domiciliary creator as to law to govern trust

(a) Whenever a person, not domiciled in this state, creates a trust
which provides that it shall be governed by the laws of this state, such
provision shall be given effect in determining the validity, effect and
interpretation of the disposition in such trust of:

(1) Any trust property situated in this state at the time the trust is

(2) Personal property, wherever situated, if the trustee of the trust
is a person residing, incorporated or authorized to do business in this
state or a national bank having an office in this state.