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This entry was published on 2015-02-20
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Lost and Strayed Animals 115/1894 (LSA) CHAPTER 115
§ 8-a. (1) No person holding a permit issued pursuant to section
161.09 of the New York city health code or a license issued pursuant to
article 26-A of the agriculture and markets law shall sell or transfer
ownership of a dog in such city without first requiring the purchaser or
other new owner to submit an application for a dog license and to pay
all required fees, unless such purchaser or other new owner shall
execute and submit to such seller or transferor a written statement that
the dog to be purchased or transferred is to be harbored outside such
city. Such applications and written statements shall be on forms
furnished by the department of health and mental hygiene of such city
and shall, within ten days after execution by a purchaser or other new
owner, be forwarded by the seller or transferor to such department.

(2) Any seller or transferor processing an application pursuant to
subdivision one or three of this section shall, on or before the tenth
day of the month next succeeding the month in which collected, remit to
such department the amount of fees collected less ten percent of the
base fees set pursuant to subdivision three of section two of this act
for each application processed.

(3) The commissioner of health and mental hygiene of such city may
designate any other person or entity, including but not limited to a
person or entity who provides care, treatment, services, or merchandise
for animals, to process applications for dog licenses, collect fees, and
remit the amount of fees collected less ten percent of such base fee in
accordance with this section and otherwise consistent with the
provisions of this act.