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Who may commence a proceeding
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 81
§ 81.06 Who may commence a proceeding.

(a) A proceeding under this article shall be commenced by the filing
of the petition with the court by:

1. the person alleged to be incapacitated;

2. a presumptive distributee of the person alleged to be
incapacitated, as that term is defined in subdivision forty-two of
section one hundred three of the surrogate's court procedure act;

3. an executor or administrator of an estate when the alleged
incapacitated person is or may be the beneficiary of that estate;

4. a trustee of a trust when the alleged incapacitated person is or
may be the grantor or a beneficiary of that trust;

5. the person with whom the person alleged to be incapacitated

6. a person otherwise concerned with the welfare of the person alleged
to be incapacitated. For purposes of this section a person otherwise
concerned with the welfare of the person alleged to be incapacitated may
include a corporation, or a public agency, including the department of
social services in the county where the person alleged to be
incapacitated resides regardless of whether the person alleged to be
incapacitated is a recipient of public assistance;

7. the chief executive officer, or the designee of the chief executive
officer, of a facility in which the person alleged to be incapacitated
is a patient or resident.