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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Assistance by state officers, departments, boards and commissions
NYS Project Finance Agency Act 7/75 (NYP) CHAPTER 7
§ 16. Assistance by state officers, departments, boards and

1. The department of audit and control, department of law, division of
housing and community renewal and all other state officers, departments,
boards, divisions and commissions may render such services to the agency
within their respective functions as may be requested by the agency.

2. The commissioner and the division of housing and community renewal
are hereby designated to act for and in behalf of the agency in
servicing the corporation first mortgages purchased by the agency or
securing eligible loans of the agency, and shall perform such additional
functions and services in connection with the making, servicing and
collection of such eligible loans as shall be requested by the agency.
The agency shall pay to the division of housing and community renewal
from any monies of the agency available for such purpose, such amounts
as are necessary to reimburse the division of housing and community
renewal for the reasonable cost of the services performed by the
commissioner and the division of housing and community renewal pursuant
to this section.