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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 220.77
Operating as a major trafficker
§ 220.77 Operating as a major trafficker.

A person is guilty of operating as a major trafficker when:

1. Such person acts as a director of a controlled substance
organization during any period of twelve months or less, during which
period such controlled substance organization sells one or more
controlled substances, and the proceeds collected or due from such sale
or sales have a total aggregate value of seventy-five thousand dollars
or more; or

2. As a profiteer, such person knowingly and unlawfully sells, on one
or more occasions within six months or less, a narcotic drug, and the
proceeds collected or due from such sale or sales have a total aggregate
value of seventy-five thousand dollars or more.

3. As a profiteer, such person knowingly and unlawfully possesses, on
one or more occasions within six months or less, a narcotic drug with
intent to sell the same, and such narcotic drugs have a total aggregate
value of seventy-five thousand dollars or more.

Operating as a major trafficker is a class A-I felony.