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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Separate bonds Except in the counties of Erie and Onondaga the public administrator upon entering upon his duties in every estate the gro...
Surrogate's Court Procedure Act (SCP) CHAPTER 59-A, ARTICLE 12
§ 1204. Separate bonds

Except in the counties of Erie and Onondaga the public administrator
upon entering upon his duties in every estate the gross assets of which
exceed the monetary amount defined as a small estate pursuant to
subdivision 1 of section 1301 of this act, shall file a bond in a penal
sum to be fixed by the court not less than the value of the personal
property and the estimated gross rents for 18 months of the real
property of which the decedent died seized or possessed and of the
probable amount to be received by reason of any right of action granted
to a fiduciary for damages for the wrongful death of the decedent. The
public administrator in the counties of Erie and Onondaga shall file a
bond in every estate in which he shall be appointed or be entitled to
act pursuant to section 1211 of this article after the effective date of
this act in a penal sum fixed by the court to be determined by such
proof as the court deems proper. The bond must be conditioned that the
public administrator or his successor will faithfully discharge the
trust reposed in him as such and obey all lawful decrees and orders of
the court touching the administration of the estate committed to him.
The cost of the bond shall be borne by the estate in each instance.