Senator Velmanette Montgomery calls on Minority Leader Senator Charles E. Schumer to continue to fight for the delay of the phase down of the Federal Investment Tax Credit and the Renewable Energy Tax Credit


Senator Velmanette Montgomery along with dozens of members of the State Legislature have written to Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer to urge him to support and cosponsor the Renewable Energy Extension Act(S.2289, US Senate) to delay the phase down for five years of the federal Investment Tax Credit and the Renewable Energy Tax Credit.

Since its implementation the federal Investment Tax Credit has helped double the number of clean energy jobs over the last decade, while helping to reduce the grenhouse gas intensity of the electricrity sector by 25%. 

As these credits are set to begin their 5-year phasing down at the end of this year, Senator Montgomery urges the Minority Leader to work diligently with is colleagues to ensure that these credits are extended.

To view the letter sent to Minority Leader Senator Charles E. Schumer, click here.