Stec: State Budget Fails to Address Crisis Facing our Nursing Homes

Daniel G. Stec

April 19, 2024

Senator Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) today issued the following statement concerning Medicaid reimbursement rates for nursing homes in Senate bill S8307-C, the state health and mental hygiene budget:

“A state budget is a reflection of our priorities, and Governor Hochul and Legislative Democrat leaders have made it clear that the well-being of our seniors and supporting not-for-profit nursing homes are not priorities, and certainly less of a priority than funneling tax dollars toward illegal immigrants.

“There have been 11 nursing home closures statewide since 2020. As of September 2023, there were 14,518 beds taken out of use because these homes can’t afford to pay for staff coverage. This trend of closures and dwindling access to services is unsustainable. Given the demographic changes of New York State, the need for nursing homes and assisted living facilities continues to grow.

“There is an $810 million annual gap between Medicaid rates and costs. The one-time lump sum $285 million in Medicaid reimbursements in this year’s budget is woefully inadequate and fails to come close to addressing the health care needs of our seniors or the long-term financial distress non-profit nursing homes face.

“Instead of addressing this urgent health care need, the governor and Democrat leaders are sending $2.4 billion to New York City to cover an illegal immigrant crisis created by their own bad sanctuary city policies. Our seniors deserve compassionate, quality care and our nursing homes and their staff deserve the resources and support necessary to make that possible. It’s absolutely shameful that Governor Hochul and the majorities are choosing to fail at this essential task.”

To view Senator Stec’s remarks on the Senate floor concerning this portion of the budget, visit here: