Senator Rachel May’s Bill to Create Water Data Portal Passes Senate

Finger Lake
A major step toward promoting transparency and accountability in managing New York’s water resources.

Senator Rachel May's (48th District) bill to centralize water data from across the state and make it publicly accessible passed the Senate.


The New York Open Water Data Act (S239E) aims to unite the state’s water-related agencies and foster collaboration in creating, operating, and maintaining a cohesive water data platform. This legislation is designed to streamline the management of water resources and make the data readily available to water users, empowering them to make informed decisions.

“With the passage of the Open Water Data Act, we have bolstered our commitment to safeguarding New York’s freshwater resources. This legislation equips us to effectively manage threats like pollution and climate change while making water health data more accessible for water users. It’s a testament to our dedication to maintaining our exceptional quality of life and protecting our watersheds for the health of everyone. Thank you to the Senate Majority for passing this legislation, ensuring New York’s freshwater remains intact for generations to come,” said Senator Rachel May.

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