
Congratulating Executive Director Dan Brown upon the occasion of his retirement after many years of distinguished service to Racker

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Senate Resolution No. 2152

BY: Senator O'MARA

CONGRATULATING Executive Director Dan Brown upon
the occasion of his retirement after many years of
distinguished service to Racker

WHEREAS, Individuals devoted to improving the quality of life for
others, enabling them to build lives of dignity and self-worth are
deserving of the highest praise and recognition; and

WHEREAS, From time to time society calls upon these individuals to
be recognized for the significance of their contributions and efforts to
assist others in developing the skills necessary to be successful,
productive citizens; and

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate
Executive Director Dan Brown upon the occasion of his retirement after
many years of distinguished service to Racker; and

WHEREAS, Throughout his illustrious career, Dan Brown has given
tirelessly of his time and energies to Racker, an organization which
provides strength-based support for individuals with disabilities and
their families; and

WHEREAS, An ardent and articulate advocate of Racker throughout his
tenure, Dan Brown has served as a board member, Financial Director,
Associate Executive Director and finally, as Executive Director, the
esteemed position from which he will officially retire in June of 2022
after more than 25 years of leadership, innovation and compassion; and

WHEREAS, Under the luminous direction of Dan Brown, Racker
experienced significant program growth to a $40 million annual budget
and over 900 employees; his dedication to equality helped drive powerful
advocacy efforts to underscore to state legislators and leaders the
critical role of provider agencies like Racker; and

WHEREAS, Dan Brown's vision of inclusion led him to serve as a
Director on both state and national boards to ensure the disability
service system works better for people not only in Racker's service area
but across the country; and

WHEREAS, As Executive Director of Racker, Dan Brown truly immersed
himself in the community; he never missed an opportunity to build
bridges and create relationships with people and other organizations;

WHEREAS, Furthermore, his person-centered approach helped community
residents understand the importance of Racker's mission of creating "a
world where all people know they belong"; these relationships coupled
with his innovative thinking, created opportunities for partnerships and
community development, including The Neighborhood Depot, a Tioga County
facility in development which will allow nonprofits to share services
and reduce overhead costs and will serve as an emergency response center
for the community; and

WHEREAS, Dan Brown was also instrumental in growing Racker into a
cloud-based information technology system to enhance network security,
and he delivered on his extraordinary promise to bring all staff to a
living wage; and

WHEREAS, Additionally, with a focus on the future, Dan Brown moved
the agency forward with technology innovations; he helped develop a
strategic plan which used technology to streamline programmatic
reporting for staff and allowed more focus on the individual; and

WHEREAS, Dan Brown received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics
with a minor in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute before
earning a Masters degree in Business Administration from Cornell
University's Johnson Graduate School of Management; and

WHEREAS, With a steadfast and unwavering commitment to his
community, Dan Brown is a member of the Board of ANCOR, a nonprofit
trade association which represents more than 1,800 organizations
employing over a half-million professionals who together serve countless
individuals with developmental disabilities; he also serves as Director
of the Board of both the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester and the New
York State Alliance for Inclusion and Innovation; and

WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his wife, Eve, and three
children, all of whom feel privileged to be a part of his life and
rejoice in his many achievements; and

WHEREAS, For more than two decades, Dan Brown rendered faithful,
conscientious and valuable service to Racker, earning the admiration,
esteem and affection of his colleagues; and

WHEREAS, In completing his service as Executive Director, Dan Brown
leaves behind more than mere bricks and mortar; he leaves behind a
legacy to those individuals supported by Racker, as well as their
families and the community-at-large; and

WHEREAS, Rare indeed is the occurrence of such a compassionate
blending of strength, leadership, intellect, and commitment as that
demonstrated by Dan Brown over a lifetime of sacrifice and dedication to
others; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Dan Brown upon the occasion of his retirement, and to wish
him continued success in all his future endeavors; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Dan Brown.


  • 23 / Mar / 2022
  • 29 / Mar / 2022
  • 29 / Mar / 2022

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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