
Mourning the death of Peter Petrassi, dedicated Metropolitan Transportation Authority employee, distinguished citizen and devoted member of his community

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Senate Resolution No. 430

BY: Senator LIU

MOURNING the death of Peter Petrassi, dedicated
Metropolitan Transportation Authority employee,
distinguished citizen and devoted member of his

WHEREAS, This Legislative Body, representing the people of the State
of New York, is moved this day to pay tribute to an eminent man of
indomitable faith and dedication whose public service and countless
accomplishments will forever stand as a paradigm and inspiration for
others; and

WHEREAS, Peter Petrassi of Queens, New York, died on March 26, 2020,
at the age of 49, due to complications related to the novel coronavirus;

WHEREAS, The unity of our State and Nation is built upon the
compassion of individuals such as Peter Petrassi who uphold the values
of community life and who, through their great actions, epitomize the
best of humanity; and

WHEREAS, Peter Petrassi distinguished himself in his profession as a
Conductor, and by his sincere dedication and substantial contribution to
the welfare of his community; and

WHEREAS, The global pandemic has led to unimaginable loss to the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) family, with 136 employees
dying of COVID-19 since the pandemic began; to honor and pay tribute to
those who have been lost too soon, the MTA launched an engaging visual
memorial to those employees, including Peter Petrassi, a hero who
dedicated his life to moving New Yorkers through the city and region;

WHEREAS, Furthermore, this memorial will appear as an eight-minute
video running on 138 three-panel digital screens at 107 subway stations
from Monday, January 25 through Sunday, February 7, 2021; and

WHEREAS, Transport Workers Union Local 100 will never forget its
union brothers and sisters who perished in service to the City of New
York, and it is its fervent hope that with this memorial, the riding
public, as well as the State of New York, also keeps these departed
heroes in their hearts and minds; and

WHEREAS, Peter Petrassi's commitment to excellence, and his spirit
of humanity, carried over into all fields of enterprise, including
charitable and civic endeavors; and

WHEREAS, Rare indeed is the impressive dedication shown by an
individual for the benefit of others which Peter Petrassi displayed
throughout his life; and

WHEREAS, It has always been the objective of this Legislative Body
to honor those individuals who have displayed their commitment to the
betterment of their communities, and it is the intent of this

Legislative Body to inscribe upon its records, this tribute to Peter
Petrassi, that future generations may know and appreciate his admirable
character, his many benevolent deeds, and the respect and esteem in
which he was held by his peers; and

WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Peter Petrassi leaves behind a legacy which will long endure
the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all he
served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death of Peter Petrassi, and to express its deepest
condolences to his family; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Peter Petrassi.


  • 25 / Feb / 2021
  • 09 / Mar / 2021
  • 09 / Mar / 2021

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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