
Mourning the death of Bishop William H. Henderson, religious leader, distinguished citizen and devoted member of his community

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Assembly Resolution No. 19

BY: M. of A. Peoples-Stokes

MOURNING the death of Bishop William H. Henderson,
religious leader, distinguished citizen and devoted
member of his community

WHEREAS, There are certain outstanding members of our community who,
through their selfless commitment and dedication, have served to better
the quality of life in our community and have had a measurable positive
impact on the lives of its residents; Bishop William H. Henderson was
one such individual; and

WHEREAS, It is with great sorrow and deep regret that this
Legislative Body records the passing of Bishop William H. Henderson,
noting the significance of his purposeful life and accomplishments; and

WHEREAS, William H. Henderson was born on May 7, 1935, and raised by
Elder Thomas and Mother Pearl Henderson in the City of Buffalo, New
York; and

WHEREAS, Growing up, William H. Henderson spent his early years at
Bethel Tabernacle, United Holy Church of America; and

WHEREAS, In 1950, during an all-night prayer service at New
Jerusalem in Lackawanna, New York, William H. Henderson received a vivid
and lasting call to the ministry; in the summer of the following year,
he began a very active street ministry, much of which placed him on the
corners of the city's east side, proclaiming the transformation of the
Gospel; and

WHEREAS, Upon his graduation from Hutchinson Central High school,
William H. Henderson attended Houghton College before transferring to
the Randolph Coleman School where he received a full diploma in
Theology; he also earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from
The University of Buffalo; and

WHEREAS, In 1959, Bishop William H. Henderson was appointed Pastor
of El-Bethel Assembly by Elder Mother Berther Amos; the beginning of his
ministry was augmented by continuous moments of fasting and prayer, much
of which were 40 days and 40 nights without food or water; and

WHEREAS, During these humble beginnings in a store front church,
Bishop William H. Henderson and Mother Berther Amos witnessed many
miracles and the spiritual outpouring of the Holy Ghost; and

WHEREAS, In the early 1960s, the congregation of El-Bethel Assembly
moved to its current location at 511 Michigan Avenue in Buffalo; built
by African-Americans, this historical landmark church was a shelter for
those making their way up the Underground Railroad, seeking refuge and
safe passageway to Canada; and

WHEREAS, Bishop William H. Henderson's illustrious career in
ministry took him worldwide, settling ministries in Jamaica, Trinidad
West Indies, Nigeria West Africa, and Ghana West Africa; he has
ministered actively with the Jewish believers in Russia and on the

hilltops of Jerusalem; furthermore, his ministry has taken him to places
across our nation, from the East to the West; and

WHEREAS, This distinguished man of God brought to his ministry an
overwhelming spirit of charity and compassion, acting from vision and
enlightenment in conducting his administrative and spiritual duties,
while always displaying the highest standards of personal and
professional integrity and dedication; and

WHEREAS, Bishop William H. Henderson always gave guidance and wisdom
to the many entrusted to his care and administered abundantly and
unstintingly to the spiritual and corporal needs of all; he is survived
by his wife of 37 years, Dianna Henderson; two sons, Addison Henderson
and Dwand Stevens Henderson; one daughter, Rachel Henderson; four
grandchildren; and one sister, Mildred Walker; and

WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Bishop William H. Henderson leaves behind a legacy which
will long endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting
memory to all he served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor the life and accomplishments of Bishop William H. Henderson, and
to express its deepest condolences to his family; and be it further

RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Bishop William H. Henderson.


  • 19 / Jan / 2021
  • 20 / Jan / 2021

Resolution Details

Law Section:
Resolutions, Legislative


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