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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Publication of notice of abandoned property
Abandoned Property (ABP) CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE 4
§ 402. Publication of notice of abandoned property. 1. Every such
corporation shall cause to be published, on or before the first day of
September in each year, a notice entitled: "NOTICE OF CERTAIN UNCLAIMED
PROPERTY HELD BY (name of corporation)."

2. Such notice shall be published once in two newspapers published in
the county where such deposits, payments or payments to be refunded were
made. If there is only one newspaper published in any such county, such
notice shall be published in such newspaper. If there are no newspapers
published in such county, then such publication shall be in a newspaper
published in an adjacent county. Such publication shall be in a
newspaper printed in the English language and any other newspaper that
will substantially serve to inform the public of such abandoned
property. The comptroller shall promulgate rules to determine when it is
appropriate to designate an additional publication.

3. Such notice shall be approved as to form by the state comptroller
and shall state:

(a) that a report of unclaimed amounts of money or other property held
or owing by it has been made to the state comptroller and that a list of
the names of the person or persons appearing from the records of such
corporation to be entitled thereto is on file and open to public
inspection at its principal office or place of business in any city,
village or county where any such abandoned property is payable;

(b) that such deposits, payments and refunds, together with interest
due thereon and less lawful deductions, will be paid by it on or before
the succeeding thirtieth day of September to persons establishing to its
satisfaction their right to receive the same; and

(c) that in the succeeding month of October, and on or before the
tenth day thereof, such unclaimed deposits, payments and refunds,
together with interest due thereon and less lawful deductions, still
remaining will be paid to the state comptroller and that it shall
thereupon cease to be liable therefor.

4. Such corporation shall file with the state comptroller on or before
the tenth day of September in each year proof by affidavit of such