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This entry was published on 2022-07-08
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Commissions to employees of places of entertainment
Arts and Cultural Affairs (ACA) CHAPTER 11-C, TITLE G, ARTICLE 25
* § 25.27. Commissions to employees of places of entertainment. No
licensee, other person or entity, whether or not domiciled, licensed or
registered within the state, shall pay to any officer or employee of any
place of entertainment, any commission, gratuity or bonus in connection
with the sale, delivery or payment of tickets or in connection with the
business being done by such licensee, other person or entity, whether or
not domiciled, licensed or registered within the state, in tickets of
admission to such place.

* NB Effective until July 1, 2025

* § 25.27. Unlawful charges in connection with theatre tickets. 1. Any
owner, operating lessee, operator, manager, treasurer or assistant
treasurer of any theatre wherein public performances are held, or of any
stadium, arena, garden or other place of amusement showing sporting
events, or his agent, representative, employee or licensee who, if a
price be charged for admission thereto, exacts, demands, accepts or
receives, directly or indirectly, any premium or price in excess of the
regular or established price or charge, plus lawful taxes, as printed
upon the face of each ticket or other evidence of the right of entry
thereto, whether designated as price, gratuity or otherwise, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor. A conviction for each violation hereof shall be
punishable by a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars or by
imprisonment for a period not to exceed one year, or both.

2. The provisions of this section shall also apply to the sale of
theatre tickets and tickets for sporting events to persons licensed to
resell theatre tickets and tickets for sporting events, pursuant to the
provisions of this article.

3. In any prosecution under this section the attorney general shall
have concurrent jurisdiction with any district attorney and in any such
prosecution he or his deputy shall exercise all the powers and perform
all the duties which the district attorney would otherwise be authorized
to exercise or perform therein.

* NB Effective July 1, 2025