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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Producing unpublished, undedicated or copyrighted opera or dramatic composition, without consent of owner
Arts and Cultural Affairs (ACA) CHAPTER 11-C, TITLE J, ARTICLE 31
§ 31.03. Producing unpublished, undedicated or copyrighted opera or
dramatic composition, without consent of owner. Any person who causes to
be publicly performed or represented for profit any unpublished,
undedicated or copyrighted dramatic composition, or musical composition
known as an opera, without the consent of its owner or proprietor, or
who, knowing that such dramatic or musical composition is unpublished,
undedicated or copyrighted and without the consent of its owner or
proprietor, permits, aids or takes part in such a performance or
representation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.