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Regional records offices
Arts and Cultural Affairs (ACA) CHAPTER 11-C, TITLE U, ARTICLE 57-A
§ 57.37. Regional records offices. 1. The commissioner of education is
authorized to establish in each judicial district, except New York city,
a regional records office. In New York city, the commissioner of
education is authorized to establish a single regional records office to
oversee records management programs for entities within the city of New
York whose records are not under the jurisdiction of the department of
records and information services or its successor agency and the city
clerk of the city of New York.

2. The regional records offices shall provide advisory and
consultative services and technical assistance to local governments on
records management and the administration of archival records and
address recommendations of the New York state local government records
advisory council.

3. The commissioner of education is authorized to employ specialists
in records management, archives administration and other specialists
necessary to provide advisory, consultative and technical assistance to
local governments from monies available for this purpose in the New York
state local government records management improvement fund, established
pursuant to section ninety-seven-i of the state finance law.