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License fees; term of licenses; renewals
Boxing, Sparring and Wrestling Ch. 912/20 (BSW) CHAPTER ROOT
* § 10. License fees; term of licenses; renewals. Each applicant for a
license shall, before a license is issued by the commission, pay to the
commission, an annual license fee as follows: corporations in cities of
the first class, where the seating capacity is not more than two
thousand five hundred, four hundred and fifty dollars; where the seating
capacity is more than two thousand five hundred but not more than five
thousand, seven hundred and fifty dollars; where the seating capacity is
more than five thousand but not more than fifteen thousand, one thousand
dollars; where the seating capacity is more than fifteen thousand but
not more than twenty-five thousand, two thousand dollars; where the
seating capacity is more than twenty-five thousand, two thousand five
hundred dollars; in cities of the second class, three hundred dollars;
elsewhere, one hundred fifty dollars; corporations or persons applying
to operate a training facility providing contact sparring maintained
either exclusively or in part for the use of professional boxers, one
hundred dollars; referees, fifty dollars; judges, fifty dollars;
matchmakers, fifty dollars; corporation-treasurers, fifty dollars; box
office employees, twenty dollars; timekeepers, ten dollars; professional
boxers, ten dollars; managers, thirty dollars; trainers, ten dollars;
seconds, ten dollars; ticket takers, ten dollars; doormen, ten dollars;
ushers, ten dollars; special policemen, ten dollars; announcers, twenty
dollars. Each license or renewal thereof issued pursuant to this section
on or after October 1, 1938, shall be effective for a license year
expiring on the thirtieth day of September following the date of its
issuance. The annual license fee prescribed by this section shall be the
license fee due and payable therefor and shall be paid in advance at the
time application is made therefor, and each such license may be renewed
for periods of one year upon the payment of the annual license fee
prescribed by this section. Within three years from the date of payment
and upon the audit of the comptroller, the commission may refund any
fee, unforfeited posted guarantee or tax paid pursuant to this act, for
which no license is issued or no service rendered or refund that portion
of the payment that is in excess of the amount prescribed by statute.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2016