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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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City marshals; badges
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 16
§ 1602. City marshals; badges. The mayor is hereby authorized to
prescribe the style, form and size of a badge to be known and designated
as the official badge of the city marshals, a description of which he
shall file in the office of the city clerk. Each city marshal shall
provide himself at his own expense, with one such badge, and shall wear
the same at all times while engaged in the discharge of his official
duties. Every city marshal shall display his badge upon demand. Every
city marshal shall forthwith surrender his official badge to the city
clerk upon the expiration of his term or upon the vacation of his office
for any reason and the city clerk is hereby authorized to refund the sum
originally charged therefor. Any person violating the provisions of
this section shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding
thirty days or a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars for each