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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appellate division to compel renewal of marshal's bond; removal of marshal
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 16
§ 1608. Appellate division to compel renewal of marshal's bond;
removal of marshal. Whenever judgment shall be rendered on the bond of a
marshal, or the bond shall be reduced as provided in the last preceding
section, the city clerk shall report the fact to the appellate division.
If the amount of the judgment is equal to or greater than the amount of
the bond the appellate division shall direct the marshal to furnish a
new bond; or, if the amount of the judgment is less than the amount of
the bond, or in case of a reduction thereof, the appellate division
shall direct the marshal to furnish an additional bond in the penal sum
of double the amount of the judgment or the reduction. If the marshal
fails to comply with such direction within ten days after notice
thereof, his failure shall constitute ground for his removal from