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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appeals; practice and procedure in general
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 17
§ 1703. Appeals; practice and procedure in general. (a) Practice and
procedure on appeals shall be as provided in article 55 of the CPLR
except insofar as this act or the rules of this court consistent with
this act otherwise provide.

(b) An appeal as of right from a judgment entered in a small claim or
a commercial claim must be taken within thirty days of the following,
whichever first occurs:

1. service by the court of a copy of the judgment appealed from upon
the appellant.

2. service by a party of a copy of the judgment appealed from upon the

3. service by the appellant of a copy of the judgment appealed from
upon a party.
Where service as provided in paragraphs one through three of this
subdivision is by mail, five days shall be added to the thirty day
period prescribed in this section.