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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Costs in a summary proceeding
New York City Civil Court Act (CCA) CHAPTER 693, ARTICLE 19
§ 1906-a. Costs in a summary proceeding. In a summary proceeding to
recover possession of real property, petitioner shall be allowed as
costs for each necessary respondent served with the notice of petition
by a person other than a sheriff or marshal, five dollars, and if there
is a default in appearance by the respondent, the sum of five dollars
for securing the affidavit that the respondent is not in military
service, required by the statutes of the United States; plus as a
disbursement, the fee paid pursuant to § 1911 (k) of this act. Such
costs shall be exclusive in such proceeding and shall constitute the sum
to be awarded as cost by the judgment pursuant to § 747 of the real
property actions and proceedings law, except insofar as additional costs
may be imposed pursuant to subdivision three of said section.