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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Sufficiency and Contents of Fiscal Impact Notes
§ 2. Sufficiency and Contents of Fiscal Impact Notes. Fiscal impact
notes shall be deemed sufficient for purposes of this Joint Rule if
prepared in conformity with this section.

A. Scope of fiscal estimates. Fiscal impact upon political
subdivisions shall be estimated on the basis of any one or more of the

(i) Individual political subdivisions; or

(ii) Aggregates of political subdivisions (a) statewide or by lesser
geographic area, or (b) by classification or subclassification of
relevant characteristics; or

(iii) Representative political subdivisions with relevant
characteristics thereof quantitatively set forth, e.g., population,
area, weighted average daily attendance of pupils; or

(iv) Any other appropriate, convenient or accessible grouping of
political subdivisions.

B. Units of measurement. Fiscal impact measurements shall be made in
units of money, personal services, equipment, or any other appropriate,
convenient or accessible units of measurement.

C. Negligible Impact. A fiscal impact note filed by the sponsor of a
bill which states that the fiscal impact of the bill is negligible shall
be deemed to be in compliance with this Joint Rule.