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Duties of the Joint Advisory Board
§ 2. Duties of the Joint Advisory Board. The joint advisory board
shall engage in such activities as it deems necessary for the
preparation and formulation of a report to review the efficacy of
current programming and explore future expansion of such to include
additional legislative and other governmental proceedings, as well as
other related public policy and educational material. The report shall
include specific recommendations concerning the broadcast or webcast on
the Internet of all legislative committee meetings. On or before
November 1, 2009, the report shall be submitted to the Temporary
President of the Senate, the Speaker of the Assembly, the Minority
Leader of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Assembly.



Censure or penalty for unexcused ............................ X Sec. 7

Excuse of ................................................... X Sec. 1

Suspension of unexcused .................................... X Sec. 7

Securing presence of ........................................ X Sec. 7

Sergeant at arms may be sent for ...................... X Sec. 2, sb a

Limitation upon .......................................... XIII Sec. 1

Measure under consideration at ........................ X Sec. 3, sb f

Motion for, always in order, exceptions .............. VI Sec. 8, sb b

Debate not allowed on ................................ VI Sec. 8, sb b

One, only, in order after close of debate ............. X Sec. 3, sb f

Precedence of, when question pending ................. VI Sec. 8, sb a

Previous question ................................. VI Sec. 8, sb a, d

Reconsideration of, not in order ..................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Persons entitled to ........................................ XI Sec. 2

Reporters entitled to ....................................... V Sec. 5

XI Sec. 2, sb d

Sergeant at arms to enforce rules respecting ................ V Sec. 6

XI Sec. 2, sb j

Bills reported favorably, if amended to be reprinted ...... VII Sec. 3

Constitutional, how treated ......................... VII Sec. 9, sb c

Filing of ............................................ IX Sec. 4, sb c

Germane, requirement respecting ..................... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Matter added and eliminated by, how treated ......... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Motion to amend by non-sponsor ....................... IX Sec. 4, sb a

Order of precedence of motion offering ............... VI Sec. 8, sb a

Pending, after debate, how vote taken ................. X Sec. 3, sb e

Preparation of ............................................ VII Sec. 4

Proposed, to be filed with committee chairman ........ IX Sec. 4, sb c

Restoring bill to earlier form ............................ VII Sec. 3

Third reading, allowed prior to completion of ........ IX Sec. 4, sb c

Two copies for introduction of ...................... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Decision of presiding officer subject to ................... IV Sec. 1

X Sec. 4, sb c

Motions or questions on, when not debatable ........ X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Second, not to be determined until original is decided X Sec. 4, sb c

Employees provided for by, appointment of ................... V Sec. 4

Quorum required for certain bills making .............. X Sec. 2, sb c

Reconsideration of vote on bills making .............. VI Sec. 9, sb b

Reference of bills or resolutions providing for .......... VIII Sec. 7

Resolutions making, vote required ................... VII Sec. 9, sb d

Vote required for certain bills making ................ X Sec. 2, sb b

Bills, amended and returned by ............................. IX Sec. 8

Introduced by message from .............................. VII Sec. 1

Recalled from, reconsideration of .................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

Substitution of, for Senate bills ........................ IX Sec. 5

Consent of, necessary for adjournment longer than two days XIII Sec. 1

Messages from, shall be received at any time ............... VI Sec. 4

Resolution recalled from, reconsideration of ......... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Resolution recalling bill or resolution from ........ VII Sec. 9, sb a

Final passage,to be taken on, and entered on journal.. IX Sec. 6, sb b

Five Senators may require "slow" roll call of ............ VIII Sec. 6

IX Sec. 6, sb b

Quorum, presence of, when determined by call of ....... X Sec. 2, sb f


Action on, Secretary's duty respecting ...................... V Sec. 5

Amended by restoring to earlier printed form .............. VII Sec. 3

Amending Constitution, amendment and committal ...... VII Sec. 9, sb c

Amending existing laws, matter eliminated in brackets VII Sec. 4, sb b

Amending existing laws, new matter underscored ...... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Amendments, how prepared ............................ VII Sec. 4, sb b

Must be germane to original object of ............. VII Sec. 4, sb b

Allowed any time prior to third reading ............ IX Sec. 4, sb a

Appropriating money, etc. .......................... X Sec. 2, sb b, c

Fiscal notes required .................................. VIII Sec. 7

Bill sections, requirements respecting ............. VIII Sec. 4, sb a

Budget bills, submission of, by Governor .................. VII Sec. 6

Constitutional quorum on vote for certain ............. X Sec. 2, sb c

If absent retains place on calendar ................. X Sec. 2, sb d

Needed only for final passage ....................... X Sec. 2, sb e

Copies of, number required for introduction ............... VII Sec. 1

Correction of, by revision clerk .......................... VII Sec. 1

Daily calendar of ........................................... V Sec. 5

Debate on, generally ........................................ X Sec. 3

Desks of Senators, to be placed on ........................ VII Sec. 3

Explanatory note to be appended to certain .......... VII Sec. 4, sb a

Final date for introduction ............................... VII Sec. 5

Final passage of, generally ................................ IX Sec. 6

Appropriating money, requirements for certain .... X Sec. 2, sb b, c

Appropriating money, when may be reconsidered ...... VI Sec. 9, sb b

Preparation for .................................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Presiding officer to certify ............................. IV Sec. 2

Question on, not debatable after third reading ..... IX Sec. 6, sb b

Question on, taken immediately after third reading . IX Sec. 6, sb b

Quorum required for, certain bills ........................ X Sec. 2

Vote on, how taken ................................. IX Sec. 6, sb b

Vote required for, certain bills .......................... X Sec. 2

When declared lost ................................. IX Sec. 6, sb b

"Home rule" requests necessary before bill passage . VIII Sec. 5, sb c

Fiscal notes required, in certain cases .................. VIII Sec. 7

Illegible bills to be returned ...................... VII Sec. 4, sb a

Introduction of ........................................... VII Sec. 1

By Senator, committee, message, etc. .................... VII Sec. 1

Memos ................................................... ViI Sec. 1

Reading, first and second, prior to ..................... VII Sec. 1

Two copies required for ................................. VII Sec. 1

Time limit on ........................................... VII Sec. 5

Jacketing of, by Jacketing Clerk ..................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Laid aside, retain place, order of business .......... VI Sec. 6, sb b

Time restriction ................................... IX Sec. 6, sb a

Motions respecting (See "Motions")

Multi-sponsorship ......................................... VII Sec. 2

New matter, how shown ............................... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Notice of public hearing on .............................. VIII Sec. 4

Official copy ........................................ IX Sec. 3, sb b

Passage of, certification by presiding officer ............. IV Sec. 2

Passage of, certain requirements for final ................. IX Sec. 1

Petition out of committee, notice ......................... XII Sec. 3

Printed immediately on introduction ....................... VII Sec. 3

Program, departmental and agency,

submitted to Temporary President ........................ VII Sec. 7

Offered to Minority Leader .............................. VII Sec. 7

Placed on bill files on desks of Senators ................. VII Sec. 3

Private or local, one subject only, expressed in title .... VII Sec. 4

Public hearing on ........................................ VIII Sec. 4

Quorum, three-fifths, required for passage

of certain ....................................... X Sec. 2, sb c, e

Reading, first and second ............................... VII Sec. 1

Recalled from Assembly, etc., subject to certain rules ... IX Sec. 8

For amendment, or amended by Assembly .................... IX Sec. 8

For reconsideration ................................ VI Sec. 9, sb a

Reconsideration of ......................................... VI Sec. 9

When not in order .................................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

Referred to Revision Clerk ................................ VII Sec. 1

Referred to Jacketing Clerk .......................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Reintroduction for second year of term .................... VII Sec. 8

Repealing existing laws ................................... VII Sec. 4

Report of committee to which bill referred ....... VIII Sec. 5 sb a, b

Reported favorably, with amendments, to be reprinted ...... VII Sec. 3

Reprinting, when not complying with rules ........... VII Sec. 4, sb b

Restored to earlier form, not to be reprinted ............. VII Sec. 3

Revision Clerk shall return, if illegible ........... VII Sec. 4, sb a

Special order, if incompleted, bill retains place .......... VI Sec. 5

Starred bills .............................................. IX Sec. 7

State department bills, last day for submission ........... VII Sec. 5

Subject matter jurisdiction, primary, secondary .... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Substitution of Assembly bills ............................. IX Sec. 5

Third reading calendar, what constitutes ............. IX Sec. 3, sb a

Provisions regarding ............................... IX Sec. 6, sb a

Third reading, no amendments allowed on completion of IX Sec. 4, sb a

Order of precedence ................................ VI Sec. 6, sb a

Three day rule, before passage ............................. IX Sec. 1

Three-fifths quorum required for passage of certain X Sec. 2, sb c, e

Three readings required before passage ............... IX Sec. 2, sb a

Time limit on introduction of ............................. VII Sec. 5

Titles of, amending certain laws, what to contain ......... VII Sec. 4

To amend Constitution, limitation on amendment ...... VII Sec. 9, sb c

Two-thirds vote required for passage of certain .... X Sec. 2, sb b, e

Two year "carry over" ..................................... VII Sec. 8

Vetoed by Governor, vote for passage .................. X Sec. 2, sb b

Consideration of .......................................... VII Sec. 6

Reference of .............................................. VII Sec. 6

Amendments to charter of ............................ VII Sec. 4, sb a

Interruption of, prohibited ........................... X Sec. 4, sb a

Invocation, daily ..................................... X Sec. 4, sb a

Journal to be read and approved, first business ...... VI Sec. 3, sb a

Order of ................................................... VI Sec. 3

Pledge of allegiance to the flag ..................... VI Sec. 3, sb a

X Sec. 4, sb a

Quorum necessary to do ............................... VI Sec. 3, sb b

X Sec. 2, sb a


Bills, acted upon in their order on .................. VI Sec. 6, sb a

Certain, to retain place on ......................... X Sec. 2, sb d

Daily ..................................................... V Sec. 5

General, how constituted ................................... VI Sec. 6

Resolutions, acted upon in their order on ............ VI Sec. 3, sb b

VII Sec. 9, sb e

Secretary's duty respecting bills on ........................ V Sec. 5

Special orders, when unfinished ........................... VII Sec. 5

Third reading, what bills to constitute .............. IX Sec. 3, sb a

Motion for, and order of precedence .................. VI Sec. 8, sb b

When may be ordered ......................................... X Sec. 6

When not in order ........................................... X Sec. 6

May be ordered on single motion, etc. ........... X Sec. 3, sb d, e, f

May embrace all pending motions or amendments ...... X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Motions in order after adoption of ................. X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Not amendable or debatable ............................ X Sec. 3, sb d

To be immediately put ................................. X Sec. 3, sb d

Allowable after adoption of motion to close debate .... X Sec. 3, sb f

Order of precedence of certain ....................... VI Sec. 8, sb a

Until decided, precludes debate on main question ..... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Bills introduced on report of, to be referred to .......... VII Sec. 1

Jurisdiction over, secondary, primary ............ VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Official hearings, testimony ............................. VIII Sec. 4

Petition, motion to ......................................... X Sec. 2

Notice required; exceptions ............................... X Sec. 2

Public hearing by, prior notice required ................. VIII Sec. 4

Report from, involving seat of Senator, always in order .... VI Sec. 4

Report, disposition of ............................. VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Shall be entered upon journal .................... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Shall be made by majority of ..................... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Shall be made directly to Committee on Rules, when VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Committee presentations .......................... VIII Sec. 3, sb d

Motion for committee consideration ............... VIII Sec. 3, sb e

Committee oversight function ..................... VIII Sec. 4, sb c

Petition for a public hearing on a bill .......... VIII Sec. 4, sb e

Joint Committee created .................................. PJR* Sec. 1

* PJR = Permanent Joint Rule of Senate and Assembly

Chairs of, appointment by Temporary President ............. III Sec. 2

Deputy Republican Conference Leader,

ex officio member of all ............................... VIII Sec. 1

Deputy Independent Democratic

Conference Leader, ex officio member of all............. VIII Sec. 1

Deputy Democratic Conference Leader,

ex officio member of all ................................ VIII Sec. 1

Executive sessions, conduct ........... VIII Sec. 3, sb a Par (5), (6)

Minutes required; exception ......... VIII Sec. 3, sb b Par (2), (3)

Meeting of scheduled, open ......................... VIII Sec. 3, sb a

Minutes required; available to public VIII Sec. 3, sb b Par (1), (3)

Members of, appointment by Temporary President ............ III Sec. 2

Democratic Conference Leader, ex officio member of all ... VIII Sec. 1

Select, reports of ................................... VI Sec. 3, sb a

Standing, list of, and number of members

composing, continuing .................................. VIII Sec. 1

Special meetings, when may be held........ VIII Sec. 3, sb a Par (2)

Republican Conference Leader,

ex officio member of all ............................... VIII Sec. 1

Independent Democratic Conference Leader,

ex officio member of all ............................... VIII Sec. 1

Resolution to amend, amendment of, further reference to

Attorney General .................................. VII Sec. 9, sb c

Amendment of, limitation on, after

ordered to third reading .......................... VII Sec. 9, sb c

After final passage, duty of Presiding Officer ............. IV Sec. 2

Final reading of, may be committed prior to ........... V Sec. 9, sb c

Treated same as bill .................................. V Sec. 9, sb c

Resolutions ratifying amendment to .................... V Sec. 9, sb c

Duty of Presiding Officer upon final passage ............. IV Sec. 2

Must be germane to affairs of the state ........... VII Sec. 9, sb b

Refusal of Senator to vote, may be deemed; exception .. X Sec. 1, sb a


Closing ............................................ X Sec. 3, sb d, e

Germane to the question ............................... X Sec. 3, sb a

Limitation upon speaking in ........................ X Sec. 3, sb d, e

X Sec. 4, sb b

Conference Leaders may speak once after close of ...... X Sec. 3, sb c

Motion to close, when in order ............... X Sec. 3, sb c, d, e, f

What motions in order after adoption of ............ X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Question in, when may be divided ...................... X Sec. 3, sb b

Question not debatable, call of Senate ............... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Main question, until certain motions are decided ..... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Objections to reading paper other than petitions ...... X Sec. 5, sb b

Of presence of quorum ................................. X Sec. 2, sb f

On final passage ..................................... IX Sec. 6, sb b

Priority of business ......................... VI Sec. 3, sb a par (3)

To adjourn ........................................... VI Sec. 8, sb b

To close debate .................................... X Sec. 3, sb d, e

To commit, when motion to close debate is pending ..... X Sec. 3, sb f

To lay on table ................................... VI Sec. 8, sb a, b

Of order, after motion to close debate ................ X Sec. 3, sb f

Temporary President to close .......................... X Sec. 3, sb f

Vote taken after, with amendments pending .......... X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Matters discussed when closed, to be kept secret ........... VI Sec. 7

Motion to close ............................................ VI Sec. 7

During discussion of, doors to remain shut ............... VI Sec. 7

Open except when public welfare requires secrecy ........... XI Sec. 1


Appointment of, generally ................................... V Sec. 4

Certain, to be appointed by Temporary President ........... III Sec. 4

Duties of, generally ........................................ V Sec. 4

Committee may call, certain cases .......... VIII Sec. 3, sb a Par (5)

When Senate shall go into .................................. VI Sec. 7

All to withdraw, except Senators, etc .................... VI Sec. 7


Certain bills and resolutions to be referred to .......... VIII Sec. 7

Fiscal notes, to keep file of bills requiring ............ VIII Sec. 7

Certain bills not to be reported without ................. VIII Sec. 7

Nominations by Governor, to be submitted to; exception ... VIII Sec. 6

Certain bills require .................................... VIII Sec. 7

Contents of .............................................. VIII Sec. 7

Filing prior to report by committee ...................... VIII Sec. 7

Finance committee to maintain file of .................... VIII Sec. 7

Applicable for ......................................... PJR* I Sec. 6

Exceptions to .......................................... PJR* I Sec. 4

Inaccuracy, effect thereof ............................. PJR* I Sec. 5

Procedure for .......................................... PJR* I Sec. 3

Requirements for on bills and amendments ............... PJR* I Sec. 1

Sufficiency and contents of ............................ PJR* I Sec. 2

*PJR= Permanent Joint Rule of Senate and Assembly

Admission to, persons entitled to .......................... XI Sec. 2

Reporters entitled to admission ........................... III Sec. 5

XI Sec. 2, sb d

Sergeant at arms to enforce rules respecting ................ V Sec. 6

XI Sec. 2, sb i

Assistant Sergeant at arms, doorkeepers ..................... V Sec. 6

Yielding, temporarily ................................. X Sec. 4, sb b

Freedom of Information Law ................................. XV Sec. 1


Disturbance in, presiding officer may clear ................ IV Sec. 1

Admission to floor ................................... XI Sec. 2, sb a

Bills returned from, without approval, vote to repass . X Sec. 2, sb b

Budget bills submitted by ................................. VII Sec. 6

Messages from, for passage of certain bills ........ VIII Sec. 5, sb c

IX Sec. 1

Order of business of ......................... VI Sec. 3, sb a Par (3)

Shall be received at any time ............................ VI Sec. 4

Nominations sent by, reference and confirmation of ....... VIII Sec. 6


Requirement respecting, bill ....................... VIII Sec. 5, sb c


Shall cause bills to be jacketed ..................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Shall cause official copies readied .................. IX Sec. 3, sb b

Motion to amend, suspend, etc., requires

written notice or unanimous consent ..................... XII Sec. 2

Order of business in which received ..................... XII Sec. 2

When to be made ......................................... XII Sec. 2

Permanent joint rules of the Senate and Assembly


Vote required to amend, suspend, etc. ..................... XII Sec. 1

Correction of ........................................ VI Sec. 3, sb a

Executive and legislative proceedings to be in separate .... VI Sec. 1

Question on final passage of bills to be entered on .. IX Sec. 6, sb b

Reading and approval of, first business .............. VI Sec. 3, sb a

Report of committee on bill, when entered upon ..... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Roll Call ............................................ IX Sec. 6, sb b

Senate shall keep and publish .............................. VI Sec. 1

Senator's refusal to respond, to be entered on ........ X Sec. 2, sb g

To be printed, distributed, etc. ............................ V Sec. 5

Nominations referred to .................................. VIII Sec. 6

LEGISLATIVE LIBRARIAN ....................................... III Sec. 7
LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY ......................................... III Sec. 7

Function of ............................................... III Sec. 7

Shall be President of Senate ................................ I Sec. 1

Shall have only casting vote in Senate ...................... I Sec. 1


Quorum is majority of senators elected ................ X Sec. 2, sb a

Reconsideration of certain bills requires ............ VI Sec. 9, sb b

Resolutions for expenditure of money, require ....... VII Sec. 9, sb d

Suspension of rules requires ................................ X Sec. 1

From Assembly, shall be received at any time ............... VI Sec. 4

From Governor, shall be received at any time ............... VI Sec. 4

For passage of certain bills ....................... VIII Sec. 5, sb c

IX Sec. 1

Order of business of, from Governor, and Assembly .... VI Sec. 3, sb a

Closing debate, may speak when ........................ X Sec. 3, sb c

Ex Officio member of all committees ...................... VIII Sec. 1

For call of the Senate, after close of debate,

one in order ..................................... X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Always in order; exceptions ........................ VI Sec. 8, sb b

Not debatable ...................................... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Precedence of ........................................ VI Sec. 8, sb a

Previous question, of ................................ VI Sec. 8, sb a

Question pending, when, what motions in order .............. VI Sec. 8

To adjourn, after close of debate, one

in order ............................................ X Sec. 3, sb f

Always in order; exceptions ........................ VI Sec. 8, sb b

Not debatable ...................................... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Not to be reconsidered ............................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

To adopt report of Committee on Rules, no other motion

in order, until decided; exceptions .................... VIII Sec. 2

To amend rule of Senate or joint rule, when in order ........ X Sec. 1

To certain day, precludes debate on main question .... VI Sec. 8, sb d

To close debate, in order after bill, etc., considered

two hours ......................................... X Sec. 3, sb d

May be ordered on single motion, series of

motions, etc. .................................. X Sec. 3, sb e, f

May embrace all authorized motions,

amendments, etc. ............................... X Sec. 3, sb e, f

No other motion in order until voted

on; exceptions ................................. X Sec. 3, sb e, f

Not amendable or debatable .......................... X Sec. 3, sb d

Presiding Officer shall recognize Senator

wishing to make ................................... X Sec. 3, sb d

To be immediately put ................................. X Sec. 3, sb d

To close doors, doors shall remain closed during

discussion of ............................................ VI Sec. 7

To commit, after close of debate, one in order ........ X Sec. 3, sb f

Precludes debate on main question .................. VI Sec. 8, sb d

To select committee, order of precedence ... VI Sec. 8, sb a Par (7)

To standing committee, order of precedence . VI Sec. 8, sb a Par (6)

To excuse from voting, to be decided by consent, two-thirds present

X Sec. 1, sb b

To lay on table, always in order; exceptions ......... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Not debatable ...................................... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Not to be reconsidered ............................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

To postpone to certain day, order of

precedence ............................... VI Sec. 8, sb a Par (5)

To petition a bill, when out of order ............... VII Sec. 2, sb b

To petition a bill or resolution out of committee ......... XII Sec. 2

Agreement required ...................................... XII Sec. 2

Notice required ......................................... XiI Sec. 2

When not in order ....................................... XII Sec. 2

To reconsider, bill recalled from Assembly ........... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Not in order, when bill not in possession of Senate VI Sec. 9, sb a

Vote necessary in certain cases .................... VI Sec. 9, sb b

Vote to adjourn or lay on table, not in order ...... VI Sec. 9, sb a

When in order ...................................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

When required to be made ........................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

To refer, until decided, precludes debate on main question

VI Sec. 8, sb d

To rescind rule or Senate or joint rule, when in order .... XII Sec. 1

To substitute Assembly for Senate bill, when in order ...... IX Sec. 5

To suspend rule of Senate or joint rule,

Notice required ......................................... XII Sec. 2

Vote required ........................................... XII Sec. 1

Withdrawal of, before decision or amendment .......... VI Sec. 8, sb c

Written, may be required ............................. VI Sec. 8, sb c


Amendments to charter and administrative code of .... VII Sec. 4, sb a
NOMINATIONS, CONFIRMATION BY SENATE ..................... X Sec. 4, sb a

Reference and confirmation of ............................ VIII Sec. 6

Of motion to amend, suspend or rescind rules .............. XII Sec. 1

Of motion to petition committee ........................... XII Sec. 2

Of public hearings by committees ......................... VIII Sec. 4


Appointment of certain, by Temporary President ............ III Sec. 5

Certain, to be present during executive sessions ........... VI Sec. 7

To keep secret proceedings of executive sessions ......... VI Sec. 7

Duties of, generally ........................................ V Sec. 4

Election of certain, by Senate .............................. V Sec. 4

Nominations of, sent by Governor, proceedings upon ....... VIII Sec. 6

State, communications and reports from, always in order .... VI Sec. 4

Order of business of ................................. VI Sec. 3, sb a

VI Sec. 4

Of business ................................................ VI Sec. 3

Cellular phones, audible pagers; use prohibited ....... X Sec. 4, sb a

Questions of, after motion to close debate,

not debatable ....................................... X Sec. 3, sb f

Decision by presiding officer on, subject to appeal ........ IV Sec. 1

X Sec. 4, sb c

Senator called to, must take his seat ................. X Sec. 4, sb c

Senator out of, must not proceed without permission ... X Sec. 4, sb c

Words on which called to, must be taken in writing .... X Sec. 4, sb c


Objection to reading of, how decided .................. X Sec. 5, sb b

Presented by Senator, shall be endorsed ............... X Sec. 5, sb a

Agreement required to ..................................... XII Sec. 2

Motion to ................................................. XII Sec. 2

Limitation on ........................................... XII Sec. 2

Notice required ......................................... XII Sec. 2

When not in order ....................................... XII Sec. 2

Endorsement of, required .............................. X Sec. 5, sb a

Presentation of, first order of business ..... VI Sec. 3, sb a Par (1)

Subject of, to be endorsed thereon .................... X Sec. 5, sb a

To certain day, motion to, order of precedence ....... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Until decided, precludes debate on main question ... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Of motions ................................................. VI Sec. 8

Of special order under consideration ....................... VI Sec. 5

Pending measure to have, after close of debate ........ X Sec. 3, sb d

Lieutenant Governor shall be ................................ I Sec. 1

Vote, shall have only casting ............................... I Sec. 1

Bills and certain resolutions, shall certify vote by

which passed ............................................. IV Sec. 2

Debate, when shall declare closed ..................... X Sec. 3, sb c

Debate, shall recognize Senator desiring to close ..... X Sec. 3, sb d

Decisions, may assign reasons for, if appealed from ........ IV Sec. 1

Executive session, shall direct withdrawal of all except

members, during .......................................... VI Sec. 7

Lobbies and galleries, may clear ......................... IV Sec. 1

Motions, may require to be reduced to writing ...... VI Sec. 8, sb c

Order, shall decide all questions of subject to appeal ... IV Sec. 1

X Sec. 4, sb c

Order and decorum, shall preserve .......................... IV Sec. 1

Passage of bills and certain resolutions, shall certify .... IV Sec. 2

Quorum, on questions of, shall direct calling of

roll ................................................ X Sec. 2, sb f

Roll call, shall request Senator to respond at ........ X Sec. 2, sb g

Senate, shall take the chair at hour to which

adjourned .......................................... VI Sec. 3, sb a

Senator to speak, when two or more address chair, to

be named by ......................................... X Sec. 4, sb b

When other than President .................................. IV Sec. 3

General provisions relative to ............................ VII Sec. 3

Questions relating to, not debatable ......... VI Sec. 3, sb b, par(3)

"Home rule" message required before committee report VIII Sec. 5, sb c

One subject, only, to be expressed in title .. VII Sec. 4, opening Par

Persons entitled to ........................................ XI Sec. 2

Reporters entitled to ..................................... III Sec. 6

XI Sec. 2, sb d

Bills appropriating, limitation upon reconsideration . VI Sec. 9, sb b

Referred to finance committee .......................... VIII Sec. 7

Three-fifths quorum necessary, passage of certain X Sec. 2, sb c, e

Vote necessary for passage of certain ............... X Sec. 2, sb b

Resolutions calling for expenditure of, how decided . VII Sec. 9, sb d

Reference to finance committee ........................... VIII Sec. 7

Vote necessary for passage .......................... VII Sec. 9, sb d


Division of, in debate ................................ X Sec. 3, sb b

Germane to, under discussion .......................... X Sec. 3, sb a

Main, when debate precluded .......................... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Motion to reconsider, when in order .................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

Of priority of business, decided without

debate.........................................VI Sec. 3, sb b, par(3)

Reconsideration of, allowed only once, limitations ......... VI Sec. 9

When before Senate, only certain motions in order .......... VI Sec. 8

When put and decided ................................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

Lack of, Senator not to be interrupted by question of . X Sec. 2, sb f

Majority of Senators elected constitute ............... X Sec. 2, sb a

Order of business, when necessary to proceed ......... VI Sec. 3, sb b

Presence of, how determined, not debatable .......... X Sec. 2, sb f

How secured ......................................... X Sec. 2, sb a

Question of, how often may be raised ................ X Sec. 2, sb f

Senator refusing to respond, counted present for ...... X Sec. 2, sb g

Three-fifths, required for passage of certain bills X Sec. 2, sb c, e

Bill retains place in absence of .................... X Sec. 2, sb d

When less than, convenes, absentees may be sent for ... X Sec. 2, sb a


Until decided, preclude debate on main question ...... VI Sec. 8, sb d

Motions for, bills recalled from Assembly ............ VI Sec. 9, sb a

Limitations upon ................................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Time within which to be made ....................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Vote necessary for certain ......................... VI Sec. 9, sb b

When in order ...................................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

When not in order .................................. VI Sec. 9, sb a

Question subject to, only once ....................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Vote to adjourn or lay on table, not subject to ...... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Bills, providing for appropriation ....................... VIII Sec. 7

To appropriate committee, upon introduction ............. VII Sec. 1

To revision and jacketing clerks ................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Nominations .............................................. VIII Sec. 6

Resolutions providing for appropriations ................. VIII Sec. 7

Committee, certain, to be received at any time ............. VI Sec. 4

Majority of members necessary for ................ VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Order of business of ............................... VI Sec. 3, sb a

Expenditure ............................................... XIV Sec. 2

From state officers ........................................ VI Sec. 4

Admission to floor of Senate .............................. III Sec. 5

XI Sec. 2, sb d

Action on, Secretary's duty respecting ...................... V Sec. 5

Appropriating money, reference to finance committee ...... VIII Sec. 7

Federal law, must be germane to state ............... VII Sec. 9, sb b

When out of order ................................. VII Sec. 9, sb b

Introduction of, limitation upon .................... VII Sec. 9, sb a

Order of business of ................................. VI Sec. 3, sb b

Original, limitation upon introduction of ........... VII Sec. 9, sb a

Copies to be supplied Majority Coalition Leaders ... VII Sec 9, sb a

To be in quadruplicate ............................ VII Sec. 9, sb a

Petition from committee, notice ....................... X Sec. 2, sb b

Privileged, certain, always in order ................ VII Sec. 9, sb a

Certain, regarded as privileged .................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Proposing amendment to Constitution, how treated .... VII Sec. 9, sb c

Passage certified by Presiding Officer ................... IV Sec. 2

Reference to Attorney General ..................... VII Sec. 9, sb c

Reconsideration of, after out of possession of Senate VI Sec. 9, sb a

Limitation upon .................................... VI Sec. 9, sb a

Reference to committee; exceptions .................. VII Sec. 9, sb a

Senator presenting, must endorse ...................... X Sec. 5, sb a

Vote necessary for certain, calling for

expenditure of money .............................. VII Sec. 9, sb d

Multi-sponsorship ......................................... VII Sec. 2

Shall receive, examine and correct bills .................. VII Sec. 1

Shall return bills incorrectly prepared to introducer VII Sec. 4, sb a

Standing committee on ............................. VIII Secs. 1, 2, 3

Authority to introduce and refer bills ........... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Consideration of report of, always in order ............ VIII Sec. 2

May sit at any time .................................... VIII Sec. 2

Meeting of ............................................. VIII Sec. 3

Exclusion from certain provisions ................ VIII Sec. 3, sb c

News media, open to ...................... VIII Sec. 3, sb a Par (3)

Report from may be received at any time ................ VIII Sec. 2

Debate on adoption of .................................. VIII Sec. 2

Suspension, upon adoption of report of ................... VIII Sec. 2

Bills and amendments not complying with .......... VII Sec. 4, sb a, b

Breach of certain, any Senator may point out ......... XI Sec. 2, sb i

Motion to amend, suspend, etc. ............................ XII Sec. 2

Notice required ......................................... XII Sec. 2

Order of business in which received ........ VI Sec. 3, sb b Par (3)

XII Sec. 2

When to be made ......................................... XII Sec. 2

Suspension, upon adoption of report of

Rules Committee ........................................ VIII Sec. 2

Vote required to amend, suspend, etc. ..................... XII Sec. 1


Assembly, shall deliver certain bills to .................... V Sec. 5

Bills, duties respecting action on certain .................. V Sec. 5

Direct Revision Clerk to cause certain to be amendedVII Sec. 4, sb b

General orders calendar of, shall prepare ................. V Sec. 5

Governor, shall present certain bills to .................. V Sec. 5

Journals, shall make entries respecting certain in ........ V Sec. 5

Presiding Officer shall deliver certain, to .............. IV Sec. 2

Budget bills to be given introductory number by ........... VII Sec. 6

Committee hearings, notice to be announced by ............ VIII Sec. 3

Duties of, generally ........................................ V Sec. 5

Election of, by Senate ...................................... V Sec. 4

Executive business of Senate, to remain during ............. VI Sec. 7

General orders calendar, to print and distribute ............ V Sec. 5

Governor, shall present certain bills to .................... V Sec. 5

Journal, shall have printed, distributed, etc. .............. V Sec. 5

Motions, when written and delivered to ............... VI Sec. 8, sb c

Quorum, shall call roll on question of ................ X Sec. 2, sb f

Senate may choose ........................................... V Sec. 4

Stenographer, under direction of, copies of records from .... V Sec. 7

Term of ..................................................... V Sec. 4

Third reading calendar, to print and distribute ............. V Sec. 5
SENATE (See also "SENATORS")-----

Admission to floor of ...................................... XI Sec. 2

Call of ..................................................... X Sec. 6

Always in order; exceptions ............................... X Sec. 6

Not debatable ...................................... VI Sec. 8, sb b

Order of precedence ........................ VI Sec. 8, sb a Par (2)

Committees of ............................................ VIII Sec. 1

Doors of, to be kept open; exception ....................... XI Sec. 1

Executive session of ....................................... VI Sec. 7

Hours in session ........................................... VI Sec. 2

Journal, shall keep and publish ............................ VI Sec. 1

Motions received by, precedence of ......................... VI Sec. 8

Presiding Officer to call to order ......................... VI Sec. 3

Rules (see "RULES OF SENATE")

Secretary, may be chosen by ................................. V Sec. 4

Sergeant at arms, may be chosen by .......................... V Sec. 4

Stenographer, may be chosen by .............................. V Sec. 4

Temporary President, shall be chosen by ................... III Sec. 1

Standing prohibited in certain areas ................. XI Sec. 2, sb h

Temporary President shall have general control over ....... III Sec. 6

Absence of, may be punished ................................. X Sec. 7

Appeals of, from decision of Presiding Officer ............. IV Sec. 1

X Sec. 4, sb c

Presiding Officer may assign reasons ....................... IV Sec. 1

Attendance of, call of Senate to secure ..................... X Sec. 6

Other measures to secure, Temporary President or

majority of elected ....................................... X Sec. 7

Bills must be placed on bill files on desks of ............ VII Sec. 3

Business of Senate, not to interrupt .................. X Sec. 4, sb a

Called to order ....................................... X Sec. 4, sb c

Chairs of, not to be occupied by others .............. XI Sec. 2, sb h

Excused from voting, may state reasons ................ X Sec. 1, sb b

Executive session, shall keep secret proceedings of ........ VI Sec. 7

Explaining vote upon roll calls ....................... X Sec. 3, sb e

Floors, may yield temporarily ......................... X Sec. 4, sb b

Hours in session ........................................... VI Sec. 2

Limitation upon speaking during same day .............. X Sec. 4, sb b

List of bills etc., to be supplied with ..................... V Sec. 5

Majority of elected, constitute quorum ................ X Sec. 2, sb a

Motions, may require in writing ...................... VI Sec. 8, sb c

Order of, during reading of journal ................... X Sec. 4, sb a

When Presiding Officer is putting question ............ X Sec. 4, sb a

While another Senator is speaking ..................... X Sec. 4, sb a

Out of order, shall not proceed ....................... X Sec. 4, sb c

Personal or pecuniary interest of, in outcome of vote ....... X Sec. 1

Papers presented by, must be endorsed ................. X Sec. 5, sb a

Presence of, during sessions required; exceptions ..... X Sec. 1, sb a

Presiding, vested with powers of President ................. IV Sec. 3

Question, shall vote on each .......................... X Sec. 1, sb a

Quorum, raising question of ........................... X Sec. 2, sb f

Refusing to respond at roll call ...................... X Sec. 2, sb g

Refusing to vote deemed a contempt .................... X Sec. 1, sb a

Rising to debate, etc. ................................ X Sec. 4, sb b

Speaking, limitation upon (See "SPEAKING")

Statements, may make, in certain cases ................ X Sec. 4, sb b

Vote, may explain ..................................... X Sec. 3, sb e

Vote, regularly assigned seat ....................... X Sec. 1, sb a

Not to, if financially interested ................ X Sec. 1, sb a, b

Refusal to, may be contempt ......................... X Sec. 1, sb a

Required to, unless excused ...................... X Sec. 1, sb a, b

Voting, motion to excuse from, granted by consent ..... X Sec. 1, sb b

Funds for staffing .......................................... X Sec. 8

Resources ................................................... X Sec. 9

District offices ........................................... X Sec. 10

Allocation for community projects .......................... X Sec. 11

Absentees, may be sent for ............................ X Sec. 2, sb a

Assistant Sergeant at Arms, doorkeepers, shall assign ....... V Sec. 6

Attendance of, upon sessions of Senate ...................... V Sec. 6

Hearings of Senate, maintain order .......................... V Sec. 6

Jurisdiction, under ......................................... V Sec. 6

Order, shall enforce, under direction of Presiding Officer .. V Sec. 6

Privileges of floor, shall enforce rule respecting .......... V Sec. 6

Senate floor, to enforce rules respecting admission to XI Sec. 2, sb i

Senate may choose ........................................... V Sec. 4

Limitation upon ....................................... X Sec. 4, sb a

Statements allowed in certain cases ................... X Sec. 4, sb b

Vote, explanation of or to be excused ................. X Sec. 1, sb b

X Sec. 3, sb e

When not completed, to retain place ........................ VI Sec. 5

When under consideration, shall take precedence ............ VI Sec. 5

Bills recommended by, last day for introduction ........... VII Sec. 5

Procedure for introduction purposes ....................... VII Sec. 7

Attendance of, required at sessions of Senate ............... V Sec. 7

Debates of Senate ........................................... V Sec. 7

Public hearings, duties respecting .......................... V Sec. 7

Secretary of Senate, under direction of ..................... V Sec. 7

Senate may choose ........................................... V Sec. 4

When in order .............................................. IX Sec. 5

Motion for ................................................ XII Sec. 2

To petition committee ................................... XII Sec. 3

When in order ........................................... XII Sec. 3

Notice required ................................... XII Sec. 2, sb b


Statewide public broadcast ................................ XVI Sec. 1

Proprietary rights ........................................ XVI Sec. 2

Attendance of Senators at sessions, secure .................. X Sec. 7

Bills, may designate last day for introduction ............ VII Sec. 5

Final passage, duties regarding .......................... IX Sec. 6

Laid aside, duties respecting ...................... VI Sec. 6, sb b

May require further reference of certain ............... VIII Sec. 7

Program, departmental and agency bills, duties respecting VII Sec. 7

Secondary, referencing, requests for consideration VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Chosen by Senate .......................................... III Sec. 1

Committee reports, establish date for referral

of all to Rules ................................... VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Committees, shall appoint chairs and members of all ....... III Sec. 2

Shall establish set of guidelines for referral .............. V Sec. 1

Debate, may speak once ................................ X Sec. 3, sb c

Employees, may appoint certain ............................ III Sec. 4

Expenditure reporting ..................................... XIV Sec. 2

Legal actions or proceedings .............................. III Sec. 8

Legislative librarian, assistant .......................... III Sec. 7

Majority leader, shall be ................................. III Sec. 1

Motions, certain, may be made only by .................... VIII Sec. 2

X Sec. 3, sb f

Preside, when he shall .................................... III Sec. 1

Designation of other member to .......................... III Sec. 1

Records of Senate, duties regarding ........................ XV Sec. 1

Reporters, shall designate those entitled

to admission to floor ................................... III Sec. 5

May fix final day for introduction ...................... VII Sec. 5

Rules committee, shall be chairman of ..................... III Sec. 3

Senators to preside, designation by ....................... III Sec. 1

Amendment of bill allowed prior to completion of ..... IX Sec. 4, sb a

Bills advanced to, to be jacketed .................... IX Sec. 3, sb b

Bills to have three readings ......................... IX Sec. 2, sb a

Calendar of bills on ................................. IX Sec. 3, sb a

List of, when to be laid aside ....................... IX Sec. 6, sb a

Question to be taken immediately after ............... IX Sec. 2, sb b

Bills requiring, for final passage ................. X Sec. 2, sb c, e

Not required except for final passage ............... X Sec. 2, sb e

To retain place on calendar, if absent .............. X Sec. 2, sb d

Amending certain laws, what to contain .................... VII Sec. 4


Two-thirds vote necessary to pass after ............... X Sec. 2, sb b

Bills lost unless receiving required ................. IX Sec. 6, sb b

Committee reports required majority, of committee .. VIII Sec. 5, sb a

Explanation of (See "VOTING")

Majority, of all Senators elected, necessary to pass certain resolutions

VII Sec. 9, sb d

To reconsider vote on certain bills ................ VI Sec. 9, sb b

To suspend rules ........................................ XII Sec. 1

Majority, of Senators present, necessary to close debateX Sec. 3, sb d

To consider executive business ........................... VI Sec. 7

To reconsider, on certain bills .................... VI Sec. 9, sb b

Reconsideration of ......................................... VI Sec. 9

Senators shall, unless excused ........................ X Sec. 1, sb a

Two-thirds, of all Senators elected necessary to pass bills after veto

X Sec. 2, sb b

Two-thirds, of all Senators elected necessary to pass certain bills

X Sec. 2, sb b

Bills to retain place on calendar if absent ........... X Sec. 2, sb d

Excused from .......................................... X Sec. 1, sb b

Explanation of ........................................ X Sec. 3, sb e


When in order ........................................ VI Sec. 8, sb b