
Search OpenLegislation Statutes

This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 3
Section 1. The Senate shall be the judge of the elections, returns and
qualifications of its own members and the Senate shall choose a
Temporary President, by resolution adopted upon the vote of a majority
of the members of the Senate elected, and who shall preside, or
designate some other member to preside, in case of the absence from the
Chamber or impeachment of the Lieutenant Governor, or when he or she
shall refuse to act as President, or shall act as Governor. The
Temporary President shall exercise such powers and duties as given by
law or these rules during those periods as designated in the resolution
and such resolution shall be effective for the 2013-2014 session. The
Temporary President may not serve in such capacity longer than eight