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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 7
§ 9. Resolutions. a. All original resolutions shall be in
quadruplicate, and no original resolution may be introduced unless
copies thereof first shall have been furnished, to the extent
practicable, forty-eight hours prior to the time for acting on such
resolution to respective conference leaders. All resolutions, upon
introduction, shall be referred to a standing or select committee by the
Majority Coalition Leaders or an officer designated by the Majority
Coalition Leaders and shall at all times remain within the exclusive
control of the introducer. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing
provisions of this section, resolutions recalling bills from or
returning bills to the Assembly, or relating to adjournment, may be
introduced at any time for immediate consideration.

b. A resolution supporting or condemning, or proposing or urging a
change in Federal law which is not directly germane to the affairs,
business, rights, benefits and obligations of New York State shall be
out of order and shall not be reported and any resolution recommending,
urging, supporting, altering or condemning a position or change in
foreign policy of the United States Government or the domestic or
foreign affairs of any other government of the World shall be out of
order and shall not be reported. Any resolution which recommends,
urges, supports the alteration of the laws of this state, resolutions
which honor current elected office holders or resolutions which
recognize, honor or support the positions of a political party shall be
out of order and shall not be reported.

c. All resolutions which propose any amendment to the State
Constitution shall be referred to the Attorney General as provided in
Article XIX of the Constitution, and shall be treated in the same form
of proceedings as that provided for bills; and resolutions which ratify
any proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States shall be
treated in the same form of proceedings as provided for bills. After a
resolution to amend the State Constitution shall be advanced to third
reading, no motion to amend the same shall be in order without unanimous
consent; and if such resolution to amend the State Constitution shall be
amended after the opinion of the Attorney General thereon has been
received as provided in Article XIX of the Constitution, it shall again
be referred to the Attorney General. Any such resolution may be
committed prior to the final reading thereof.

d. All resolutions calling for the expenditure of moneys must be
decided by a majority vote of all of the members elected to the Senate,
upon a call of the roll.

e. All resolutions deemed proper by the Majority Coalition Leaders
other than those mentioned and treated in the preceding subdivisions c
and d of this section and reported by the committee of reference
designated by the Majority Coalition Leaders shall be placed upon the
calendar upon the approval of the Majority Coalition Leaders. When in
the order of business the resolutions are reached, the Senate may adopt
such resolutions as a group, by one vote upon the question of the entire
calendar of resolution, excepting that any member may request that any
one or more of the resolutions on such calendar shall be voted upon or
debated separately. This subdivision shall not apply to any resolution
recalling bills from or returning bills to the Assembly, or relating to
adjournment or to resolutions pertaining to the rules of the Senate or
to those resolutions regarded as privileged. A resolution shall be
deemed privileged only if it is so designated by the Majority Coalition
Leaders as such.