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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 9
§ 4. Amendments. a. A non-sponsor may move to amend a bill at any time
prior to the completion of its third reading provided that at least two
hours before the time for the Senate to convene, a copy of the proposed
amendment or amendments to any bill on the list of bills compiled under
subdivision a of section six of this Rule has been served upon the
sponsor of the bill, and filed with the Journal Clerk. If a sponsor does
not accept such amendment, the question shall be put to the house
whether a majority of members elected vote in favor of the non-sponsor
motion to amend, and such motion shall pass only if a majority of
members elected vote aye. If the sponsor accepts the amendment, such
amended bill shall be ordered printed without a vote, debate or
explanation, and such bill shall retain its place on the Third Reading

b. If a majority of members elected vote in favor of the non-sponsor
motion to amend, the sponsor of the bill may make a motion to withdraw
their name from sponsorship to be substituted by a co-sponsor or the
Senator who moved to amend the bill.

c. The introducer of any calendar bill may offer an amendment or
amendments to such bill and such amendment or amendments shall be
accepted and the bill ordered printed without a vote, debate or
explanation, provided, however, that in such case such bill may be
recommitted by the chair of the standing committee that reported such
bill and such recommittal shall also be without a vote, debate or