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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Final passage
Senate Rules (CMS) CHAPTER , RULE 9
§ 6. Final passage. a. Prior to the reading of the third reading
calendar of any given day, the Majority Coalition Leaders may jointly
file with the Journal Clerk an active list of bills on the third reading
calendar which may be acted upon on that date and he or she may lay
aside any bill upon which no final action may be taken, provided
however, that no bill shall be so laid aside for a period exceeding five
calendar legislative days. Such active list shall be published to the
extent practicable by 8 p.m. the previous evening or within two hours
following the end of the previous days' session, whichever is later.

b. The question on the final passage of every bill shall be taken
immediately after the third reading and without debate. On the final
passage of every bill and concurrent resolution a fast roll call shall
be taken by the Secretary calling the names of five Senators, three of
whom shall be the Conference Leaders provided, however, that each
Senator's name shall be called on a slow roll call if requested by five
Senators. Each roll call, including the names of the Senators who were
absent shall be entered on the journal. Upon each roll call vote, the
Secretary shall announce the names of the Senators voting in the
negative and the names of the Senators who were absent. Such roll calls
shall be available for public inspection upon request in the office of
the Journal Clerk. When a bill or concurrent resolution does not receive
the number of votes required by the Constitution to pass it, it shall be
declared lost, except in cases provided for by subdivision d of section
two of Rule X hereof.