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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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State board of social welfare; powers and duties
§ 2. The state board of social welfare shall be continued. It shall
visit and inspect, or cause to be visited and inspected by members of
its staff, all public and private institutions, whether state, county,
municipal, incorporated or not incorporated, which are in receipt of
public funds and which are of a charitable, eleemosynary, correctional
or reformatory character, including all reformatories for juveniles and
institutions or agencies exercising custody of dependent, neglected or
delinquent children, but excepting state institutions for the education
and support of the blind, the deaf and the dumb, and excepting also such
institutions as are hereinafter made subject to the visitation and
inspection of the department of mental hygiene or the state commission
of correction. As to institutions, whether incorporated or not
incorporated, having inmates, but not in receipt of public funds, which
are of a charitable, eleemosynary, correctional or reformatory
character, and agencies, whether incorporated or not incorporated, not
in receipt of public funds, which exercise custody of dependent,
neglected or delinquent children, the state board of social welfare
shall make inspections, or cause inspections to be made by members of
its staff, but solely as to matters directly affecting the health,
safety, treatment and training of their inmates, or of the children
under their custody. Subject to the control of the legislature and
pursuant to the procedure prescribed by general law, the state board of
social welfare may make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with
this constitution, with respect to all of the functions, powers and
duties with which the department and the state board of social welfare
are herein or shall be charged.