
Search OpenLegislation Statutes

This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Cases in which private or local bills shall not be passed
§ 17. The legislature shall not pass a private or local bill in any of
the following cases:

Changing the names of persons.

Laying out, opening, altering, working or discontinuing roads,
highways or alleys, or for draining swamps or other low lands. Locating
or changing county seats.

Providing for changes of venue in civil or criminal cases.

Incorporating villages.

Providing for election of members of boards of supervisors.

Selecting, drawing, summoning or empaneling grand or petit jurors.

Regulating the rate of interest on money.

The opening and conducting of elections or designating places of

Creating, increasing or decreasing fees, percentages or allowances of
public officers, during the term for which said officers are elected or

Granting to any corporation, association or individual the right to
lay down railroad tracks.

Granting to any private corporation, association or individual any
exclusive privilege, immunity or franchise whatever.

Granting to any person, association, firm or corporation, an exemption
from taxation on real or personal property.

Providing for the building of bridges, except over the waters forming
a part of the boundaries of the state, by other than a municipal or
other public corporation or a public agency of the state.