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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Prison labor; contract system abolished
§ 24. The legislature shall, by law, provide for the occupation and
employment of prisoners sentenced to the several state prisons,
penitentiaries, jails and reformatories in the state; and no person in
any such prison, penitentiary, jail or reformatory, shall be required or
allowed to work, while under sentence thereto, at any trade, industry or
occupation, wherein or whereby his or her work, or the product or profit
of his or her work, shall be farmed out, contracted, given or sold to
any person, firm, association or corporation, provided that the
legislature may provide by law that such prisoners may voluntarily
perform work for nonprofit organizations. As used in this section, the
term "nonprofit organization" means an organization operated exclusively
for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, no part of the net
earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or
individual. This section shall not be construed to prevent the
legislature from providing that convicts may work for, and that the
products of their labor may be disposed of to, the state or any
political division thereof, or for or to any public institution owned or
managed and controlled by the state, or any political division thereof.