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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Surrogate's court continued; judges; jurisdiction
§ 12. a. The surrogate's court is continued in each county in the
state. There shall be at least one judge of the surrogate's court in
each county and such number of additional judges of the surrogate's
court as may be provided by law.

b. The judges of the surrogate's court shall be residents of the
county and shall be chosen by the electors of the county.

c. The terms of the judges of the surrogate's court in the city of New
York shall be fourteen years, and in other counties ten years, from and
including the first day of January next after their election.

d. The surrogate's court shall have jurisdiction over all actions and
proceedings relating to the affairs of decedents, probate of wills,
administration of estates and actions and proceedings arising thereunder
or pertaining thereto, guardianship of the property of minors, and such
other actions and proceedings, not within the exclusive jurisdiction of
the supreme court, as may be provided by law.

e. The surrogate's court shall exercise such equity jurisdiction as
may be provided by law.

f. The provisions of this section shall in no way limit or impair the
jurisdiction of the supreme court as set forth in section seven of this