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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Estimates by departments, the legislature and the judiciary of needed appropriations; hearings

State Finances

Section 1. For the preparation of the budget, the head of each
department of state government, except the legislature and judiciary,
shall furnish the governor such estimates and information in such form
and at such times as the governor may require, copies of which shall
forthwith be furnished to the appropriate committees of the legislature.
The governor shall hold hearings thereon at which the governor may
require the attendance of heads of departments and their subordinates.
Designated representatives of such committees shall be entitled to
attend the hearings thereon and to make inquiry concerning any part

Itemized estimates of the financial needs of the legislature,
certified by the presiding officer of each house, and of the judiciary,
approved by the court of appeals and certified by the chief judge of the
court of appeals, shall be transmitted to the governor not later than
the first day of December in each year for inclusion in the budget
without revision but with such recommendations as the governor may deem
proper. Copies of the itemized estimates of the financial needs of the
judiciary also shall forthwith be transmitted to the appropriate
committees of the legislature.