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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Bonus on account of service of certain veterans in world war II
§ 18. The legislature may authorize by law the creation of a debt or
debts of the state to provide for the payment of a bonus to each male
and female member of the armed forces of the United States, still in the
armed forces, or separated or discharged under honorable conditions, for
service while on active duty with the armed forces at any time during
the period from December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one to and
including September second, nineteen hundred forty-five, who was a
resident of this state for a period of at least six months immediately
prior to his or her enlistment, induction or call to active duty. The
law authorizing the creation of the debt shall provide for payment of
such bonus to the next of kin of each male and female member of the
armed forces who, having been a resident of this state for a period of
six months immediately prior to his or her enlistment, induction or call
to active duty, died while on active duty at any time during the period
from December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one to and including
September second, nineteen hundred forty-five; or who died while on
active duty subsequent to September second, nineteen hundred forty-five,
or after his or her separation or discharge under honorable conditions,
prior to receiving payment of such bonus. An apportionment of the moneys
on the basis of the periods and places of service of such members of the
armed forces shall be provided by general laws. The aggregate of the
debts authorized by this section shall not exceed four hundred million
dollars. The provisions of this article, not inconsistent with this
section, relating to the issuance of bonds for a debt or debts of the
state and the maturity and payment thereof, shall apply to a debt or
debts created pursuant to this section; except that the law authorizing
the contracting of such debt or debts shall take effect without
submission to the people pursuant to section eleven of this article.

Proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to law, as authorized by this
section as in force prior to January first, nineteen hundred fifty shall
be available and may be expended for the payment of such bonus to
persons qualified therefor as now provided by this section.