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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Limitations on amount to be raised by real estate taxes for local purposes; exceptions
§ 10. Hereafter, in any county, city, village or school district
described in this section, the amount to be raised by tax on real estate
in any fiscal year, in addition to providing for the interest on and the
principal of all indebtedness, shall not exceed an amount equal to the
following percentages of the average full valuation of taxable real
estate of such county, city, village or school district, less the amount
to be raised by tax on real estate in such year for the payment of the
interest on and redemption of certificates or other evidence of
indebtedness described in paragraphs A and D of section five of this
article, or renewals thereof:

(a) any county, for county purposes, one and one-half per centum;
provided, however, that the legislature may prescribe a method by which
such limitation may be increased to not to exceed two per centum;

(b) any city of one hundred twenty-five thousand or more inhabitants
according to the latest federal census, for city purposes, two per

(c) any city having less than one hundred twenty-five thousand
inhabitants according to the latest federal census, for city purposes,
two per centum;

(d) any village, for village purposes, two per centum;

(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of
this section, the city of New York and the counties therein, for city
and county purposes, a combined total of two and one-half per centum.

The average full valuation of taxable real estate of such county,
city, village or school district shall be determined by taking the
assessed valuations of taxable real estate on the last completed
assessment rolls and the four preceding rolls of such county, city,
village or school district, and applying thereto the ratio which such
assessed valuation on each of such rolls bears to the full valuation, as
determined by the state tax commission or by such other state officer or
agency as the legislature shall by law direct. The legislature shall
prescribe the manner by which such ratio shall be determined by the
state tax commission or by such other state officer or agency.

Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to restrict the
powers granted to the legislature by other provisions of this
constitution to further restrict the powers of any county, city, town,
village or school district to levy taxes on real estate.