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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Debt-incurring power of Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse; certain additional indebtedness to be excluded
§ 6. In ascertaining the power of the cities of Buffalo, Rochester and
Syracuse to contract indebtedness, in addition to the indebtedness
excluded by section 5 of this article, there shall be excluded:

Indebtedness not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of ten million
dollars, heretofore or hereafter contracted by the city of Buffalo or
the city of Rochester and indebtedness not exceeding in the aggregate
the sum of five million dollars heretofore or hereafter contracted by
the city of Syracuse for so much of the cost and expense of any public
improvement as may be required by the ordinance or other local law
therein assessing the same to be raised by assessment upon local
property or territory.