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This entry was published on 2017-04-21
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Comprehensive economic development reporting
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 4
§ 100-a. Comprehensive economic development reporting. The department
shall prepare an annual comprehensive economic development report, no
later than December thirty-first of each year, listing economic
development assistance provided by the New York state urban development
corporation and the department, including but not limited to tax
expenditures, marketing and advertising, grants, awards and loans. Such
comprehensive report shall include aggregate totals for each economic
development program administered by the New York state urban development
corporation and the department, including but not limited to program
progress, program participation rates, economic impact, regional
distribution, industry trends, and any other information deemed
necessary by the commissioner. The department shall prominently post the
comprehensive economic development report on its website no later than
January first of each year.