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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Powers of the council
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 5-B
§ 172. Powers of the council. The council shall have the following

1. To identify and review tourism-related issues and current state
policies and programs which directly or indirectly affect tourism and
travel in the state and, as appropriate, recommend the adoption of new,
or the modification of existing, policies and programs;

2. To advise the department in its promotion and development of
tourism and travel facilities and services in the state;

3. To advise the department in the development and implementation of
the state's tourism marketing and business development program,
including long-range strategies for attracting tourists to the state;

4. To advise the department, the governor and the legislature
concerning recommended legislation necessary to foster and promote the
prosperity, expansion and development of tourism and travel concerns
within the state;

5. To advise the department, the governor and the legislature
concerning existing laws, rules, regulations and practices of state
agencies which are counter-productive or inimical to the prosperity,
expansion and development of tourism and travel concerns within the

6. To advise the department, the governor and the legislature
concerning the development of inter-governmental cooperation among
agencies of the federal, state and local governments and cooperation
between private industry and government so as to assure the optimum
development of tourism and travel concerns;

7. To assist the department in obtaining information necessary for the
development and improvement of state policies and programs affecting
tourism and travel industries in the state; and

8. To recommend ways of ensuring consumer protection for visitors to
the state.