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New York state empire artificial intelligence research program
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 18*
³ 361. New York state empire artificial intelligence research program.
1. Definitions. Whenever used in this section:

(a) "Division" shall mean the division of science, technology, and
innovation within the department.

(b) "Empire AI consortium" or "the consortium" shall be the
not-for-profit corporation created to construct and manage the

(c) "Institute" shall mean the empire AI research institute at the
university of Buffalo established pursuant to subdivision two of this

2. Empire AI research institute at the university of Buffalo. A
state-owned research and computing facility at the state university of
New York at Buffalo shall be established, to be known as the empire AI
research institute, to promote responsible research and development to
advance the ethical and public interest uses of artificial intelligence
technology in the state. The institute shall be operated and managed by
the consortium. Construction of the institute shall be completed by the
university at Buffalo, its affiliates or related entities at the
direction of the consortium, or the consortium.

3. Labor standards. Any construction project done pursuant to this
section or using the moneys appropriated by New York state for the
purposes of this section, shall require the use of a project labor
agreement, as defined in subdivision one of section two hundred
twenty-two of the labor law, for all contractors and subcontractors on
the project, consistent with paragraph (a) of subdivision two of section
two hundred twenty-two of the labor law.

4. Energy efficiency. The division, in cooperation with the urban
development corporation and the empire AI consortium, shall work with
the power authority of New York, the New York state energy research and
development authority, and the department of environmental conservation
to ensure a reliable and sufficient clean energy supply for the
institute, to maximize the energy efficiency of the facility or
facilities and equipment of the institute, and minimize emissions and
negative environmental impacts, including from the use of freshwater
resources, from constructing, operating, and of maintaining the