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This entry was published on 2023-05-12
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Application and approval process
Economic Development Law (COM) CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 26
§ 484. Application and approval process. 1. A business entity must
submit a complete application as prescribed by the commissioner.

2. The commissioner shall establish procedures and a timeframe for
business entities to submit applications. As part of the application,
each business entity must:

(a) provide evidence in a form and manner prescribed by the
commissioner of their business eligibility;

(b) agree to allow the department of taxation and finance to share the
business entity's tax information with the department. However, any
information shared as a result of this program shall not be available
for disclosure or inspection under the state freedom of information law;

(c) allow the department and its agents access to any and all books
and records the department may require to monitor compliance;

(d) certify, under penalty of perjury, that it is in substantial
compliance with all emergency orders or public health regulations
currently required of such entity, and local, and state tax laws;

(e) certify, under penalty of perjury, that it did not include any
cost paid for with other COVID-19 grant funds as determined by the
commissioner in its application for a tax credit under the COVID-19
capital costs tax credit program; and

(f) agree to provide any additional information required by the
department relevant to this article.

3. After reviewing a business entity's completed final application and
determining that the business entity meets the eligibility criteria as
set forth in this article, the department may issue to that business
entity a certificate of tax credit.

4. The business entity must submit its application by September
thirtieth, two thousand twenty-three.