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This entry was published on 2019-10-04
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SECTION 120.55
Warrant of arrest; defendant under parole or probation supervision
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE H, ARTICLE 120
§ 120.55 Warrant of arrest; defendant under parole or probation


If the defendant named within a warrant of arrest issued by a local
criminal court or youth part of the superior court pursuant to the
provisions of this article, or by a superior court issued pursuant to
subdivision three of section 210.10 of this chapter, is under the
supervision of the state department of corrections and community
supervision or a local or state probation department, then a warrant for
his or her arrest may be executed by a parole officer or probation
officer, when authorized by his or her probation director, within his or
her geographical area of employment. The execution of the warrant by a
parole officer or probation officer shall be upon the same conditions
and conducted in the same manner as provided for execution of a warrant
by a police officer.