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This entry was published on 2023-05-12
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SECTION 182.30
Electronic appearance; conditions and limitations
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 2, TITLE H, ARTICLE 182
* § 182.30 Electronic appearance; conditions and limitations.

The following conditions and limitations apply to all electronic

1. The defendant may not enter a plea of guilty to, or be sentenced
upon a conviction of, a felony.

2. The defendant may not enter a plea of not responsible by reason of
mental disease or defect.

3. The defendant may not be committed to the state department of
mental hygiene pursuant to article seven hundred thirty of this chapter.

4. The defendant may not enter a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor
conditioned upon a promise of incarceration unless such incarceration
will be imposed only in the event that the defendant fails to comply
with a term or condition imposed under the original sentence.

5. A defendant who has been convicted of a misdemeanor may not be
sentenced to a period of incarceration which exceeds the time the
defendant has already served when sentence is imposed.

* NB Repealed September 1, 2025