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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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SECTION 690.10
Search warrants; property subject to seizure thereunder
Criminal Procedure (CPL) CHAPTER 11-A, PART 3, TITLE T, ARTICLE 690
§ 690.10 Search warrants; property subject to seizure thereunder.

Personal property is subject to seizure pursuant to a search warrant
if there is reasonable cause to believe that it:

1. Is stolen; or

2. Is unlawfully possessed; or

3. Has been used, or is possessed for the purpose of being used, to
commit or conceal the commission of an offense against the laws of this
state or another state, provided however, that if such offense was
against the laws of another state, the court shall only issue a warrant
if the conduct comprising such offense would, if occurring in this
state, constitute a felony against the laws of this state; or

4. Constitutes evidence or tends to demonstrate that an offense was
committed in this state or another state, or that a particular person
participated in the commission of an offense in this state or another
state, provided however, that if such offense was against the laws of
another state, the court shall only issue a warrant if the conduct
comprising such offense would, if occurring in this state, constitute a
felony against the laws of this state.