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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Wrongful refusal of admission to and ejection from places of public entertainment and amusement
Civil Rights (CVR) CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 4
§ 40-b. Wrongful refusal of admission to and ejection from places of
public entertainment and amusement. No person, agency, bureau,
corporation or association, being the owner, lessee, proprietor,
manager, superintendent, agent or employee of any place of public
entertainment and amusement as hereinafter defined shall refuse to admit
to any public performance held at such place any person over the age of
twenty-one years who presents a ticket of admission to the performance a
reasonable time before the commencement thereof, or shall eject or
demand the departure of any such person from such place during the
course of the performance, whether or not accompanied by an offer to
refund the purchase price or value of the ticket of admission presented
by such person; but nothing in this section contained shall be construed
to prevent the refusal of admission to or the ejection of any person
whose conduct or speech thereat or therein is abusive or offensive or of
any person engaged in any activity which may tend to a breach of the

The places of public entertainment and amusement within the meaning of
this section shall be legitimate theatres, burlesque theatres, music
halls, opera houses, concert halls and circuses.