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This entry was published on 2015-08-21
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Miscellaneous provisions
Civil Rights (CVR) CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE 4-B
§ 47-b. Miscellaneous provisions. 1. Persons with a disability
accompanied by guide dogs, hearing dogs or service dogs shall be
guaranteed the right to have such dogs in their immediate custody while
exercising any of the rights and privileges set forth in this article,
provided that in instances of employment pursuant to section
forty-seven-a of this article, such dog has been trained by a qualified
person. Blind persons shall, further, have the right to carry a cane in
their immediate custody while exercising any of the rights and
privileges set forth in this section.

2. No person or legal entity, public or private, shall attempt to
impose or maintain any direct or indirect additional charge for the
admittance of a guide dog, hearing dog or service dog accompanying a
person with a disability, nor shall any conditions or restrictions not
specifically set forth in this article be imposed on the person's rights
as set forth herein.

3. A person engaged in training a dog to guide or otherwise aid
persons with a disability, while engaged in such training activities,
and a person with a disability for whom the dog is being trained, shall
have the same rights and privileges set forth for persons with a
disability in this article.

4. The term "guide dog", or "hearing dog" shall mean a dog that is
under the control, consistent with federal regulations implementing the
Americans with Disabilities Act, Title III, at 28 CFR 36.302(c), of the
person using or training it and has been or is being trained to guide or
otherwise to aid a person with a disability.

5. For the purposes of this article the term "disability" shall have
the same meaning as provided for in subdivision twenty-one of section
two hundred ninety-two of the executive law.

6. Any law, rule, or regulation conflicting with any provision of this
article is, to the extent of said conflict only, deemed to be superseded
by the provisions of this article.

7. "Service dog" means any dog under the control, consistent with
federal regulations implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act,
Title III, at 28 CFR 36.302(c), of the person using or training it, and
that has been or is being individually trained to do work or perform
tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability.