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Assessment of certain expenses of administration of the department of civil service
§ 11. Assessment of certain expenses of administration of the
department of civil service. 1. For purposes of this section,

(a) The term "expenses of administration" means the total cost of
administration of the department, excluding costs of providing services
to municipalities and costs of administration of the health benefit
plan, and excluding costs of special programs or activities of the
department as may be determined by the president, subject to approval of
the director of the budget, which do not serve generally all state
departments and agencies under the jurisdiction of the department;

(b) The term "public authority" means a public authority or public
benefit corporation under the jurisdiction of the department of civil

(c) The term "position" means an office or position, other than a
seasonal or temporary position, in the classified service under the
jurisdiction of the department of civil service.

2. A fractional share of the expenses of administration, as determined
pursuant to subdivision three of this section, shall be charged against
and payable from the following sources:

(a) If the salary or compensation of ten or more positions in any
department or agency of the state is payable from a special or
administrative fund, other than the state purposes fund or the local
assistance fund or the capital construction fund of the general fund of
the state, or an income fund of the state university, or the mental
hygiene services fund, such fractional share shall be charged against
and payable from such special or administrative fund;

(b) If the salary or compensation of ten or more positions in any
department or agency of the state is payable from an appropriation
assessed or to be collected or refunded pursuant to law, such fractional
share shall be included in and payable from such appropriation;

(c) Such fractional share shall be payable by each public authority
having ten or more positions.

3. For the purpose of computing the fractional share of the expenses
of administration for any fiscal year to be payable from a source
specified in subdivision two of this section, the numerator of such
fraction shall be the number of positions the salary or compensation of
which is payable from such source and the denominator shall be the total
number of positions in the service of the state and public authorities.
The numbers of positions shall be the numbers of positions existing as
of October thirty-first in such fiscal year.

4. As soon as practicable after the close of the fiscal year ending
March thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-seven, and thereafter as soon
as practicable after the close of each fiscal year, the president shall
determine the amount representing the share of expenses of
administration for such fiscal year chargeable to each source specified
in subdivision two of this section, and shall certify such amount to the
appropriate department or agency of the state or public authority. Such
sums shall be payable to the commissioner of taxation and finance at the
beginning of the fiscal year following such certification.