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This entry was published on 2024-02-23
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Placement rosters in the state service; certification and appointment therefrom
§ 81-b. Placement rosters in the state service; certification and
appointment therefrom. 1. Establishment of placement rosters in the
state service; general provisions. The head of any department, office or
institution from which an employee in the state service is to be
suspended or demoted in accordance with the provisions of section eighty
of this article, shall, no later than the date on which they furnish the
state civil service department with the employee information required
pursuant to section eighty-one-a of this article for purposes of
establishing reemployment rosters, furnish the state civil service
department with a statement showing such employee's name, title or
position, date of appointment, and the anticipated date of and reason
for suspension or demotion. Upon receiving such information, it shall be
the duty of the department forthwith to place the name of such employee
upon a placement roster for filling vacancies in the same title or in
any comparable position as determined by the department, except that
employees suspended or demoted from positions in the noncompetitive and
labor classes may not be certified to fill vacancies in the competitive
class. Such placement roster shall be certified for filling a vacancy in
any such position before certification is made from any other list,
including a promotion eligible list, but not prior to a preferred list
or a reemployment roster. Eligibility for appointment of an employee
whose name appears on any such placement roster shall terminate at such
time as the employee is suspended or demoted in accordance with the
provisions of section eighty of this article. Upon such employee's
suspension or demotion, the department shall place the name of such
employee upon a preferred list, and a reemployment roster as
appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of sections eighty-one
and eighty-one-a of this article.

2. Order of certification of names from a placement roster. The names
of employees on a placement roster shall be certified therefrom with
equal ranking for appointment.

3. Probationary term. All appointments from a placement roster shall
require completion of a probationary term in accordance with rules
promulgated by the commission pursuant to subdivision two of section
sixty-three of this chapter.

4. Effect of appointment or failure or refusal to accept appointment.
The commission shall adopt rules providing for the relinquishment of
eligibility for appointment upon appointment or upon failure or refusal
to accept appointment from a placement roster.

5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any employee
may voluntarily remove his or her name from a placement roster by
application to the department.